This leaves us with the opportunity to submit jobs 5x a week for 4 weeks (1 month). Still a pretty good deal, right? WRONG!! Because they’re limited in help, they offer slow to no communication which eats up days. Designers & Developers NEVER respond when you ask questions about the project. Additionally, claims to turn around most jobs in 24 hours, however they reset they job continually due to lack of help.
Flocksy Reviews
This leaves us with the opportunity to submit jobs 5x a week for 4 weeks (1 month). Still a pretty good deal, right? WRONG!! Because they’re limited in help, they offer slow to no communication which eats up days. Designers & Developers NEVER respond when you ask questions about the project. Additionally, claims to turn around most jobs in 24 hours, however they reset they job continually due to lack of help.