It sounds as if these folks have done a lot of damage with a lot of people in Texas and elsewhere. Star Exploration, LLC is now involed in a lawsuit with Omar Minaj in West Texas. We at Star have won the suit in Pecos County. Unfortunately, Flamingo Operating, LLC. appealed the decision of the Court in order to delay the inevitable. We are now waiting for the Appeals court in El Paso to verify our right to be the legal operator of the assets in Pecos County that Flamingo has used to defraud so many vendors and others. You may track our progress at the following web site: " ". We are hopeful for a quick decision from the Appealent Court to stop these people from operating in Texas. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss their misdeeds.
Flamingo Operating, LLC Reviews
It sounds as if these folks have done a lot of damage with a lot of people in Texas and elsewhere. Star Exploration, LLC is now involed in a lawsuit with Omar Minaj in West Texas. We at Star have won the suit in Pecos County. Unfortunately, Flamingo Operating, LLC. appealed the decision of the Court in order to delay the inevitable. We are now waiting for the Appeals court in El Paso to verify our right to be the legal operator of the assets in Pecos County that Flamingo has used to defraud so many vendors and others. You may track our progress at the following web site: " ". We are hopeful for a quick decision from the Appealent Court to stop these people from operating in Texas. Please do not hesitate to contact us to discuss their misdeeds.