I'm a disabled person looking for extra income to help my mother with bills because of hardships. Barbara Hale took advantage of me because I told her I'm disabled and mentally ill with other complications. And she prayed on that and ran with it. Wow unbelievable.
He made a web site and showed how to file claim forms to help the federal account recovery system get unclaimed funds and we would recieve 75% for each return. All we had to do is fill in names and info and send $5 dollars per sheet. Then mail it and email the banks and we would be paid. Did not ever happen.
This fake company charges 5.00 to send in worksheets to help people get unclaimed money. They claim it can take 2 to 3 months to get a commisin check from them. I never received any. I'm just glad I only lost 15.00. I had a feeling it may noy be legitimate so I only sent in 3 worksheets. I was so disappointed to know I had been scammed. Really could have used that money. These people should be prosecuted.
I came accross a Work from Home offer which sounded real. A Trevor Harris who represented the Federal Account Recovery made claims that large money would be mine if I did a few steps.
He supplied two platforms. One in the Untied States and one in Canada saying it was the Bank of Canada. Both of these had unclimed accounts to look at. If you found one over 500.00 then you could fill out the information on the sheets provided to you through the service. In no time at all after sending them in you would have a return to your investment. Each sheet needs a fee of five dollars to accompany it with four sheets to an envelope.
I thought...gee this sounds fair and the cost is minimal. Well it has been four months now and nothing has come my way. When I e mailed them asking about it they answered me at first. Now I have asked for specific answers about how close it is to my recieving money. NO ANSWER!!!
It is not the money I have put into it as it is not too much. If it were up to Trevor Harris I would be sneding sheets out like a mad man but I tamed it down until there was something coming my way which to date there has been a BIG FAT ZERO ON MY INVESTMENT!!
Listed as a legitmate work from home job Trevor Harris explains how to use two data bases to find large sums of unclaimed money that belong to people. Trevor Harris claims that the company needs people, to go to these data bases,fill out a worksheet with needed information, in order for the company to process the unclaimed money, for whom it is owed.
The amount owed must be greater than $500.00. He recomends sending four worksheets per envelope, along with $5.00 per worksheet (cash or money order only). The address that you mail the worksheet and money to (Wisconsin or California), depends on where you are mailing them from. He also recomends that you send at least one envelope per day with an average turn around of 6 to 8 days. The company supposely receives 30% of the money processed and pays the worksheet processor 75% of that 30%. Sounds to good to be true ?????IT IS. I never recieved a dime.
I came accross a Work from Home offer which sounded real. A Trevor Harris who represented the Federal Account Recovery made claims that large money would be mine if I did a few steps.
He supplied two platforms. One in the Untied States and one in Canada saying it was the Bank of Canada. Both of these had unclimed accounts to look at. If you found one over 500.00 then you could fill out the information on the sheets provided to you through the service. In no time at all after sending them in you would have a return to your investment. Each sheet needs a fee of five dollars to accompany it with four sheets to an envelope.
I thought...gee this sounds fair and the cost is minimal. Well it has been four months now and nothing has come my way. When I e mailed them asking about it they answered me at first. Now I have asked for specific answers about how close it is to my recieving money. NO ANSWER!!!
It is not the money I have put into it as it is not too much. If it were up to Trevor Harris I would be sneding sheets out like a mad man but I tamed it down until there was something coming my way which to date there has been a BIG FAT ZERO ON MY INVESTMENT!!
Federal Account Recovery Reviews
I'm a disabled person looking for extra income to help my mother with bills because of hardships. Barbara Hale took advantage of me because I told her I'm disabled and mentally ill with other complications. And she prayed on that and ran with it. Wow unbelievable.
He made a web site and showed how to file claim forms to help the federal account recovery system get unclaimed funds and we would recieve 75% for each return. All we had to do is fill in names and info and send $5 dollars per sheet. Then mail it and email the banks and we would be paid. Did not ever happen.
This fake company charges 5.00 to send in worksheets to help people get unclaimed money. They claim it can take 2 to 3 months to get a commisin check from them. I never received any. I'm just glad I only lost 15.00. I had a feeling it may noy be legitimate so I only sent in 3 worksheets. I was so disappointed to know I had been scammed. Really could have used that money. These people should be prosecuted.
I came accross a Work from Home offer which sounded real. A Trevor Harris who represented the Federal Account Recovery made claims that large money would be mine if I did a few steps.
He supplied two platforms. One in the Untied States and one in Canada saying it was the Bank of Canada. Both of these had unclimed accounts to look at. If you found one over 500.00 then you could fill out the information on the sheets provided to you through the service. In no time at all after sending them in you would have a return to your investment. Each sheet needs a fee of five dollars to accompany it with four sheets to an envelope.
I thought...gee this sounds fair and the cost is minimal. Well it has been four months now and nothing has come my way. When I e mailed them asking about it they answered me at first. Now I have asked for specific answers about how close it is to my recieving money. NO ANSWER!!!
It is not the money I have put into it as it is not too much. If it were up to Trevor Harris I would be sneding sheets out like a mad man but I tamed it down until there was something coming my way which to date there has been a BIG FAT ZERO ON MY INVESTMENT!!
Listed as a legitmate work from home job Trevor Harris explains how to use two data bases to find large sums of unclaimed money that belong to people. Trevor Harris claims that the company needs people, to go to these data bases,fill out a worksheet with needed information, in order for the company to process the unclaimed money, for whom it is owed.
The amount owed must be greater than $500.00. He recomends sending four worksheets per envelope, along with $5.00 per worksheet (cash or money order only). The address that you mail the worksheet and money to (Wisconsin or California), depends on where you are mailing them from. He also recomends that you send at least one envelope per day with an average turn around of 6 to 8 days. The company supposely receives 30% of the money processed and pays the worksheet processor 75% of that 30%. Sounds to good to be true ?????IT IS. I never recieved a dime.
I came accross a Work from Home offer which sounded real. A Trevor Harris who represented the Federal Account Recovery made claims that large money would be mine if I did a few steps.
He supplied two platforms. One in the Untied States and one in Canada saying it was the Bank of Canada. Both of these had unclimed accounts to look at. If you found one over 500.00 then you could fill out the information on the sheets provided to you through the service. In no time at all after sending them in you would have a return to your investment. Each sheet needs a fee of five dollars to accompany it with four sheets to an envelope.
I thought...gee this sounds fair and the cost is minimal. Well it has been four months now and nothing has come my way. When I e mailed them asking about it they answered me at first. Now I have asked for specific answers about how close it is to my recieving money. NO ANSWER!!!
It is not the money I have put into it as it is not too much. If it were up to Trevor Harris I would be sneding sheets out like a mad man but I tamed it down until there was something coming my way which to date there has been a BIG FAT ZERO ON MY INVESTMENT!!