Fc arnold trucking llc is a trucking/logistics company that runs freight throughout the united states. fc arnold trucking llc fails to pay their drivers as indicated in their contracts. Company hired me to work at a rate of $1,000 per week. I completed two full weeks of work but they only paid me $500. This company received damage to it's truck due to a shipper loading the truck with more weight than what was agreed upon. The shipper breached their contract. Instead of directing their dispute to the shipper to recoup their losses for the repairs, they are refusing to pay me for work that I perfromed.
The company's manager is a woman named Cady Arnold. She made up a story about having lost her phone and tried to use that as an excuse as to why she hasn't paid me(even if she lost her phone, she still had my email address to contact me and my direct deposit information on file). What kind of company forgets to pay their driver's due to a lost phone? Then she said she sent the check out thru registered mail but the check never arrived. She is using delay tactics and legal proceedings are pending as a result of non-payment. this company participates in unprofessional and unscrupulous business practices. all vendors, agents and contractors should be aware of their practices before doing business with this company.
FC Arnold Trucking LLC Reviews
Fc arnold trucking llc is a trucking/logistics company that runs freight throughout the united states. fc arnold trucking llc fails to pay their drivers as indicated in their contracts. Company hired me to work at a rate of $1,000 per week. I completed two full weeks of work but they only paid me $500. This company received damage to it's truck due to a shipper loading the truck with more weight than what was agreed upon. The shipper breached their contract. Instead of directing their dispute to the shipper to recoup their losses for the repairs, they are refusing to pay me for work that I perfromed.
The company's manager is a woman named Cady Arnold. She made up a story about having lost her phone and tried to use that as an excuse as to why she hasn't paid me(even if she lost her phone, she still had my email address to contact me and my direct deposit information on file). What kind of company forgets to pay their driver's due to a lost phone? Then she said she sent the check out thru registered mail but the check never arrived. She is using delay tactics and legal proceedings are pending as a result of non-payment. this company participates in unprofessional and unscrupulous business practices. all vendors, agents and contractors should be aware of their practices before doing business with this company.