Please if you are even considering interviewing with this company, don't. It is a door to door or street sales multi-level marketing scam. Do not waste your time. I went on a day of observation with them (second interview) where they took me out to the "field" for the entire day, it was a waste of my time. I stayed because I felt bad for my "leader" but please please please do not waste your time with this. Also the "owner" who interviewed me was very....trashy. I don't mean to be rude, but I've been on quite a few interviews and never met someone so erogant and full of herself who did not live up to the "standards" of working on wall street. She was a joke. This company is a joke. Stay away.
Fathomless Inc Reviews
Please if you are even considering interviewing with this company, don't. It is a door to door or street sales multi-level marketing scam. Do not waste your time. I went on a day of observation with them (second interview) where they took me out to the "field" for the entire day, it was a waste of my time. I stayed because I felt bad for my "leader" but please please please do not waste your time with this. Also the "owner" who interviewed me was very....trashy. I don't mean to be rude, but I've been on quite a few interviews and never met someone so erogant and full of herself who did not live up to the "standards" of working on wall street. She was a joke. This company is a joke. Stay away.