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Fast Fix 123, LLC.

Country United States
State Florida
City West Palm Beach
Address 1818 S Australian Ave STE 450

Fast Fix 123, LLC. Reviews

  • Mar 14, 2016

Approx one year ago, I was having computer problems. I googled for microsoft support and clicked on this one that was Fast Fix 123, which they led me to believe was associated with Microsoft. They said they checked and I could get my laptop repaired at Best Buy but it would take up to a week and cost at least $300.00.

Then they said with their service, they would repair the computer remotely, I would be entitled to unlimited "computer checks and clean-ups", any type of maintenance/repairs and "lifetime" subscription to Webroot for this laptop or any other I might get. The total cost was $500.00. Desparate, short on time and I hate to admit naive, I had it put on my VISA.

They remotely took over the computer, the screen displayed a hard hat and warning of computer under repair. The repair that was to last acouple of hours went well past 48 hrs with me calling everyday complaining. Finally "fixed" and webroot installed, things were fine for a few weeks.

A minor problem occurred and since I had paid for this understanding service, I called only to find out there would be a charge which was about $30.00. They then told me that I did not pay for the repair service, but they could sign me up and direct bill my VISA again about $25-30/mth. I was so outraged that they said they would give me one courtesy repair, but if I wanted it again, I would have to pay monthly. Again that corny screensaver popped up and again 48+ hours passed.

Well, fortunately things have been uneventful until the other day when I kept getting a prompt from Webroot to un-install and re-install. I e-mailed their customer service asking what this is all about. Three days later I talk to a representative of Webroot who tells me that my subscription is about to expire, but they would give a a free 90 day grace period.

Again, I am outraged and tell them about the Fast Fix 123 deal and they say, sorry, we are no longer involved with them. I asked why I was notified and they said that is why you recieved the prompt to un-install and we are giving you 90 days. I asked if they realized Fast Fix was including their company and saying I had bought a lifetime membership. He said yes they knew that but were no longer involved with them.

Now, I thought Webroot had a good reputation, but now have my doubts, as they apparently were in agreement with this company and have not held up their end of the bargain in this arrangement. Also the attitude of we are giving you 90 days free service should have made everything alright.

I guess I have been ripped off big time. Do I have any alternatives?

  • Mar 14, 2016

In April of 2015, i was looking for an easy way to fix my computer online, rather than take it to town some 35 miles away. I found Fast Fix123 and it seemed to be what I was looking for. I spoke with a woman, she was very polite and coxed me into buying an anti virus program around $300.+ I have 3 computers and was offered a discount for the 3 about $900. One of their counterparts remotely connected to my computer to fix the program problems I had also paid for, around $250.

At the time, finances became tight and I was unable to procure the remaining two programs. Now that I am financially sound, I'd planned to return to the fast fix 123 company and retrieve my remaining order. To my surprise, I was unable to locate them. Instead, I found scam reports stating such. I was never sent a receipt on the amount I spent, but I'm sure I can find it in old bank statements. What are my options on retrieving my money?

  • Jan 30, 2016

The compnay overcharges to fix the computer but thats not even the worst part.,,,, they scam people in their script it says that the customer hast to bring in the computer to a bestbuy or staples and it is going to cost 250-350 dollars to fix and its going to take 3-5 days to fix.. They try to scar the consumer, then they say hey let me see if you computer qualifies for rempote suppot, let me check a few things.. THen they put u on hold and say yes i have good news your company does qualify for remote suppport and that its the smae prive as the store but more convient. meanwhile they never check anything they just put the comsumer on hold wait a few seconds and say it qualifies and guess what athy all qualify

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