The incompetence of this place astounds me, I rarely post reviews but I had to say something about the stupidity here. First the front desk receptionist (the gal with the British accent), tells me I'm in network and covered, so I schedule and appointment and go. I get there and there is a form to put my card info on, my dad usually helps out and reimburses/takes care of my medical stuff; and as I'm poor as heck I feel pretty uncomfortable putting my card info on the form. I don't fill it out and when I'm in the room with the doctor he says "No big deal, don't worry we can put your father's account on there" I say "Ok fine, just make sure I don't get charged".
Fast forward to today, they called my dad and said I wasn't in network, utterly huge screwup on the receptions part and she had the gall to say "It was our responsibility to check insurance" uhhhh no that's YOUR ENTIRE RESPONSIBILITY. So of course my dad says he doesn't want to drop 350$ we're not made of bloody money, so the incompetent staff goes and charges my account! Then when I called to argue the ridiculous people start saying that "the doctor told me I was out of network" (bullcrap I pay attention to that kind of thing). I tried not to be mean but it was hard since the girl I spoke too WAS THE SAME PERSON THAT MADE THE MISTAKE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Obviously I'm burning hot mad right now, they said they'll have someone from billing call me; we'll certainly see if they make this right or not!
(Also I didn't yell at the receptionist, I WAS kind of mean, but of course apologized for it because it WAS just a mistake and I understand that; however the incompetence is still astounding to me and I'm out 350$ now because of her mistake! I obviously try not to be mean to people just doing their jobs but this was a screwup on their part.)
Family Psychiatry Reviews
The incompetence of this place astounds me, I rarely post reviews but I had to say something about the stupidity here. First the front desk receptionist (the gal with the British accent), tells me I'm in network and covered, so I schedule and appointment and go. I get there and there is a form to put my card info on, my dad usually helps out and reimburses/takes care of my medical stuff; and as I'm poor as heck I feel pretty uncomfortable putting my card info on the form. I don't fill it out and when I'm in the room with the doctor he says "No big deal, don't worry we can put your father's account on there" I say "Ok fine, just make sure I don't get charged".
Fast forward to today, they called my dad and said I wasn't in network, utterly huge screwup on the receptions part and she had the gall to say "It was our responsibility to check insurance" uhhhh no that's YOUR ENTIRE RESPONSIBILITY. So of course my dad says he doesn't want to drop 350$ we're not made of bloody money, so the incompetent staff goes and charges my account! Then when I called to argue the ridiculous people start saying that "the doctor told me I was out of network" (bullcrap I pay attention to that kind of thing). I tried not to be mean but it was hard since the girl I spoke too WAS THE SAME PERSON THAT MADE THE MISTAKE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! Obviously I'm burning hot mad right now, they said they'll have someone from billing call me; we'll certainly see if they make this right or not!
(Also I didn't yell at the receptionist, I WAS kind of mean, but of course apologized for it because it WAS just a mistake and I understand that; however the incompetence is still astounding to me and I'm out 350$ now because of her mistake! I obviously try not to be mean to people just doing their jobs but this was a screwup on their part.)