Stephen Trujillo de Gutierrez, who has now changed his name to Esteban Trujillo de Gutierrez, is a scam artist likely involved with the Qanon cult. Trujillo , who has a history of rage and hostility towards authority is probably a prime candidate for melting down. Trujillo admits to having issues with authority pre-dating his military service and is in a huge fight with the Veterans Administration in Floridia, and has written manifestos that seem to indicate Trujillo has violent tendencies.
Trujillo no long lives in the United States. He fled to Thailand where he stalks women and children from a distance he believes will not cause him legal trouble. Trujillo is on all sorts of drugs,including methadone and sees a pscyhiatrist once a week for his anger issues.
Esteban Trujillo De Gutierrez Reviews
Stephen Trujillo de Gutierrez, who has now changed his name to Esteban Trujillo de Gutierrez, is a scam artist likely involved with the Qanon cult. Trujillo , who has a history of rage and hostility towards authority is probably a prime candidate for melting down. Trujillo admits to having issues with authority pre-dating his military service and is in a huge fight with the Veterans Administration in Floridia, and has written manifestos that seem to indicate Trujillo has violent tendencies.
Trujillo no long lives in the United States. He fled to Thailand where he stalks women and children from a distance he believes will not cause him legal trouble. Trujillo is on all sorts of drugs,including methadone and sees a pscyhiatrist once a week for his anger issues.
Trujillo is on anti psychotic drugs