Escrow corp of georgia is a fake escrow company who was working with colorado one real estate in denver to scam people who wanted to sell their timeshare units. Ecofg would provide an impressive amount of official looking closing documents to the seller. Then tell the seller in order to complete the closing they would first have to wire the taxes or a transfer fee to mexico, but they would ge those funds back at closing. This is what triggered the red flag, escrow corp of georgia, who's acting as the escrow facilitator for the deal didn't want these funds. They just provided the wire instructions to a bank in mexico where they wanted the funds wired. That's odd.
For more info on colorado one real estate see the yscam we filed and the denver bbb. They issued a warning on colorado one in march 2018.
Escrow Corp Of Georgia Reviews
Escrow corp of georgia is a fake escrow company who was working with colorado one real estate in denver to scam people who wanted to sell their timeshare units. Ecofg would provide an impressive amount of official looking closing documents to the seller. Then tell the seller in order to complete the closing they would first have to wire the taxes or a transfer fee to mexico, but they would ge those funds back at closing. This is what triggered the red flag, escrow corp of georgia, who's acting as the escrow facilitator for the deal didn't want these funds. They just provided the wire instructions to a bank in mexico where they wanted the funds wired. That's odd.
For more info on colorado one real estate see the yscam we filed and the denver bbb. They issued a warning on colorado one in march 2018.