What does the EPA do but allow American citizens to be poisoned by drinking water and eating our poisonous foods, this organization is useless like 98% of our Government is. A government worker makes high rates of salaries to do nothing but sit at a desk looking at Porn on their cell phones or computers. The United States Government is completely dysfunctional, they do nothing the correct way.
Is Walmart Great Value water unhealthy? According to great value, their water contains an “nd” level of fluoride. Phg is the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. According to great value, their water contains an “nd” level of fluoride.
http://www.foldmagazine.com › level Walmart Great Value Water Ph Level at Level - Fold Magazine
EPA Reviews
What does the EPA do but allow American citizens to be poisoned by drinking water and eating our poisonous foods, this organization is useless like 98% of our Government is. A government worker makes high rates of salaries to do nothing but sit at a desk looking at Porn on their cell phones or computers. The United States Government is completely dysfunctional, they do nothing the correct way.
Is Walmart Great Value water unhealthy? According to great value, their water contains an “nd” level of fluoride. Phg is the level of a contaminant in drinking water below which there is no known or expected risk to health. According to great value, their water contains an “nd” level of fluoride.
http://www.foldmagazine.com › level Walmart Great Value Water Ph Level at Level - Fold Magazine