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Emanuele DiMare

Country United States
State Florida
City Fort Myers
Address 2147 First St
Phone 239.898.1108

Emanuele DiMare Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Oct 15, 2019 and Emanuele DiMare repeatedly discriminated against members of my family when we tried to purchase real estate from him and his companies. Emanuele DiMare, and Barclay's Real Estate Group in Fort Myers Florida harassed and degraded our family with vulgar remarks and obscenities and refused to complete our transactions.

He is a mysoginist and a bully. He obtained private financial information from our family and intended to use it for his own benefit. He then cut off all ties with us in order to take a higher offer on a very expensive property.

He cannot be trusted and should not be working in the real estate industry in any fashion. Discrimination is illegal. Beware.

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