This vendor advertised an M1 Sporttechnik Das Schwabing bike for a great price. The price was displayed for the better part of a year. I put the bike in the online "Shopping Cart". The vendor then sent me a coupon in my email for an additional $50 off the item. I used the coupon and opened a line of credit so that I could make the purchase. I received an invoice and receipt for my purchase. I had a "confirmation" order number.
The next day the vendor emailed me and indicated he sold the item for too low a price. He wanted me to send him more money for the item. Almost $1000 more. I was also given another option: he would send me a used bike instead. . . for just a little more.
I have the invoice, email exchange and all the documents. . . unfortunately there is very little that can be done.
Most Internet sellers can take advantage of you, and nothing is ever done.
Electric Bike & Skate Reviews
This vendor advertised an M1 Sporttechnik Das Schwabing bike for a great price. The price was displayed for the better part of a year. I put the bike in the online "Shopping Cart". The vendor then sent me a coupon in my email for an additional $50 off the item. I used the coupon and opened a line of credit so that I could make the purchase. I received an invoice and receipt for my purchase. I had a "confirmation" order number.
The next day the vendor emailed me and indicated he sold the item for too low a price. He wanted me to send him more money for the item. Almost $1000 more. I was also given another option: he would send me a used bike instead. . . for just a little more.
I have the invoice, email exchange and all the documents. . . unfortunately there is very little that can be done.
Most Internet sellers can take advantage of you, and nothing is ever done.