Do not finance with this company if you are considering iam making people aware and making sure that people know how much of a scam this company is my husnabd and i finaced to have his transmission replaced only financed $2500 after paying on i lt for more that 6 months noticed that balance was not going down and is double more than what we financed called to find out whats going on was informed that to pay balance off it would be $8000 who does that to people they are gettingnover on people who need their service do no waste your time or money they are a scam iv seem so many other reviews stating the same things about them dont be a victim
Easy pay finance Reviews
Do not finance with this company if you are considering iam making people aware and making sure that people know how much of a scam this company is my husnabd and i finaced to have his transmission replaced only financed $2500 after paying on i lt for more that 6 months noticed that balance was not going down and is double more than what we financed called to find out whats going on was informed that to pay balance off it would be $8000 who does that to people they are gettingnover on people who need their service do no waste your time or money they are a scam iv seem so many other reviews stating the same things about them dont be a victim