The Archangel illuminated visions of DEMONS and other Entities affixed to the "Healer" now attacking innocent spirits seeking help. Dr. Koch, Pat and Roth Ph. D. have ignored the dark Entities attached to them through various high crimes of the spirtual order. They have forsaken the craft of healing themselves and the Entities have grown in power from this imbalance. Illumination of this has shown attachement to innocent victims seeking counsel by the healer show severe suffering by innocent resulting in great misery and mental anguish allowed to manifest into physical illness. The healer's own dark energy directed through craft and manifested in the common world are crimes of the spirtual order which have given attached Entities powers over the healer's clients themselves. Do no harm has been replaced through action in spirit/metaphysical and in the common world with actions against the truth, against the family, against lust, against deceit, and others sins. No amount of work with crystals, buring of sage, or other spiritual remedies will remove the dark energy from those who come into contact with the healer going forward.
The healer's abomination to the Light in portraying themselves as Light healer will not be tolerated by the Watchers of the Light any longer. Healer must be prepared to do their own challenging personal growth work, in order to serve the greater good. The Institute in Taos and the Order of Watchers of the Light will mindfully and craftully permit the healer from doing harm no longer. The calling has been made to witches of wikken and Eye of Souron is upon you. You are banished from practice of healing bound by the properties of Light until your own healing and is complete after you've accepted responsibility and have made amense for the full list of high crimes of the spirit world you have committed. The souls of equine will rebuke you and you will not be permitted by the Horse of Lazarus to be one with the equine ways until your healing is complete. Any disregard in this will result in equine justice focused at the soul of your spiritual being and may manifest in the common world in ways which one should be aware. Take heed and do not practice craft which you know to be banished from or bear the weight of wrath you invoke.
Watchers of the Light do not hex or curse you, the collective action is one of protecting the innocent. Your Entities have been contained around you and you only - a proctive order of spells made by our protection of innocents. May the Light bring you back from the darkenss you have chosen to rule your soul and affect your magic. Cerimony to the Archangel has been performed pleading that damage caused by your transgressions & Entities to the innocent be healed and that spritual judgement be made against you for your transgressions. Archangel has illuminated that the innocent will be healed and further protected- and that final spiritual judgment will be made.
Dr. Patricia Koch, PhD Reviews
The Archangel illuminated visions of DEMONS and other Entities affixed to the "Healer" now attacking innocent spirits seeking help. Dr. Koch, Pat and Roth Ph. D. have ignored the dark Entities attached to them through various high crimes of the spirtual order. They have forsaken the craft of healing themselves and the Entities have grown in power from this imbalance. Illumination of this has shown attachement to innocent victims seeking counsel by the healer show severe suffering by innocent resulting in great misery and mental anguish allowed to manifest into physical illness. The healer's own dark energy directed through craft and manifested in the common world are crimes of the spirtual order which have given attached Entities powers over the healer's clients themselves. Do no harm has been replaced through action in spirit/metaphysical and in the common world with actions against the truth, against the family, against lust, against deceit, and others sins. No amount of work with crystals, buring of sage, or other spiritual remedies will remove the dark energy from those who come into contact with the healer going forward.
The healer's abomination to the Light in portraying themselves as Light healer will not be tolerated by the Watchers of the Light any longer. Healer must be prepared to do their own challenging personal growth work, in order to serve the greater good. The Institute in Taos and the Order of Watchers of the Light will mindfully and craftully permit the healer from doing harm no longer. The calling has been made to witches of wikken and Eye of Souron is upon you. You are banished from practice of healing bound by the properties of Light until your own healing and is complete after you've accepted responsibility and have made amense for the full list of high crimes of the spirit world you have committed. The souls of equine will rebuke you and you will not be permitted by the Horse of Lazarus to be one with the equine ways until your healing is complete. Any disregard in this will result in equine justice focused at the soul of your spiritual being and may manifest in the common world in ways which one should be aware. Take heed and do not practice craft which you know to be banished from or bear the weight of wrath you invoke.
Watchers of the Light do not hex or curse you, the collective action is one of protecting the innocent. Your Entities have been contained around you and you only - a proctive order of spells made by our protection of innocents. May the Light bring you back from the darkenss you have chosen to rule your soul and affect your magic. Cerimony to the Archangel has been performed pleading that damage caused by your transgressions & Entities to the innocent be healed and that spritual judgement be made against you for your transgressions. Archangel has illuminated that the innocent will be healed and further protected- and that final spiritual judgment will be made.