Humana charges exorbitant amount of money and the doctor in question (assauming he is a doctor) refuses to give me a weight loss pill or a referal to an optomitrist for glassaes. This is a very irresonsible person.
He left me in a room for 10 minutes and wouldn't go back to the room. I believe that Dr. Alejandro Luna is a quack doctor who should not be in practice. This person also has serious communication skills and you can't even really understand what he's saying to you.
Dr. Luna Reviews
Humana charges exorbitant amount of money and the doctor in question (assauming he is a doctor) refuses to give me a weight loss pill or a referal to an optomitrist for glassaes. This is a very irresonsible person.
He left me in a room for 10 minutes and wouldn't go back to the room. I believe that Dr. Alejandro Luna is a quack doctor who should not be in practice. This person also has serious communication skills and you can't even really understand what he's saying to you.