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Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf Company

Country United States
State Maine
City Dover-Foxcroft
Address 11 Samuel st

Doris Campagna and Richard Lauersdorf Company Reviews

Most Useful Comment
  • Jun 23, 2020

Peggy Bolin and Doris Campagna

Peg and your GUN

Terry did not force Peg to take you court. She did it herself because you harassed her family and her. Terry did not show up cuz she refused to lie for her. But she believed Peg about you tried to burn her home. And waved your gun because you are CRAZY.

Mark as Useful [592 votes]
  • Mar 27, 2020

No Tears

She never had tears. Her tears can't drain normally.

Mark as Useful [397 votes]
  • May 4, 2020

No Tears

Theresa has no tears because she is a psychopath.

Theresa is terrible mom. Theresa's family are all t r a s h.

People see this, Theresa’s insane. No one is paying attention to her except law enforcement.

Wow, Theresa had wa-a-a-ay too many men. She never married her baby-daddies.

Her daddy did not let her date boys because he was jealous.

Nobody cares about Theresa's u g l y sisters and brothers.

Nobody cares about who got drunk and wrecked their car.

Dennis dumped Theresa when Chris was 11 months old because she was too crazy and insanely jealous.

She banged Kary and had a daughter, Kristie.

If Kary a b u s e d his children (ANOTHER low life man) why did Theresa love him so much? Why does she still miss him?

Theresa never did data entry at Liberty National Bank. She is too stu pid and can not spell.

Theresa needs to stop bothering good people.

Theresa's body is grotesque. Fat, lumpy, wrinkled, saggy, and no a s s. She needs new padded panties.

Theresa is a miserable mean and rotten old woman.

She does not love Bill. She is using him for security. She wants him to d i e.

Theresa is talking to her imaginary friends again.

Theresa has more problems than anybody.

Theresa needs to keep her

t r a s h life private.

Wow, Theresa looked OLD and SLOPPY in the 2011 pictures at the baby shower.

Theresa looks even worse now, lol.

They can t wait to see her in Court in May.

Mark as Useful [227 votes]
  • Sep 9, 2019

Richard D Lauersdorf

Truly, the quiet ones are winning. Till the day at Court.

I think Doris is afraid Richard will come back to Terry because he could not get her back in 1991.

Mark as Useful [385 votes]
  • Aug 29, 2020

Theresa Fowler Carpenter

If Richard wanted Theresa, he would BE with Theresa, not Doris.

Richard didn't want Theresa in 1991, he sure as hell doesn't want her old, fugly, broken-down self now.

Mark as Useful [188 votes]
  • Aug 24, 2020

Theresa Fowler Carpenter

Truly, the quiet ones are winning. Till the day the Carpenters are finally gone for good

Richard would not come back to Terry because he realized in 1991 that she was a pathetic, psychotic loser. He was smart to RUN from her.

Finally, he has a good, beautiful, HEALTHY woman, a big beautiful house, and a wonderful life.

It is no wonder the jealousy eats up crazy Theresa.

Mark as Useful [193 votes]
  • Dec 16, 2019

Golly, Doris Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf. You are bullies and stalkers. Stop impersonating Theresa Carpenter. You're all idiots. There’s no cure for jealousy. No Time For Fools.

Mark as Useful [359 votes]
  • Dec 3, 2019

False Story About Theresa Carpenter

Anyone who posts day after day pictures of someone and their family members has a very serious mental problem with obsession. Doris Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf are psychotic. All of Theresa Carpenter's family are deceased.See, Doris Campagna has been using Theresa Carpenter's old drivers license saying that she is Theresa. Doris Campagna has been impersonating Theresa for over 8 yrs to the point can not get on Facebook as when Theresa is asked for her ID your company says it belongs to Doris Campagna and not her.

Mark as Useful [359 votes]
  • Jun 30, 2019

Terminate Doris Campagna, Lousiville, Kentucky. She is Greedy. She is Stealer. She takes another persons property without permission or legal right and without intending to return it.

A night auditor works at night at the reception of a hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.

Mark as Useful [359 votes]
  • Aug 25, 2019

All Lies

Doris and Richard are the victims in this situation. Richard kicked Theresa Carpenter to the curb as soon as he saw how crazy she was. Theresa Carpenter lost her mind and has has been stalking Richard for twenty-eight years, and Doris for seven years.

Their entire family are criminals. Theresa arrested for Criminal Harassment. Bill arrested for DUIs and Domestic Violence. The daughter is wanted in Florida for passing bag checks. One son is a meth head, the other son has thirteen children with eight baby-momas.

Doris and Richard have finally had enough. They are going to sue Theresa and Bill in Civil Court. The Carpenters will lose everything they have, which isn't much.

Mark as Useful [245 votes]
  • Aug 13, 2019

Very Good People

Doris and Richard are very good people who are being stalked by some very crazy people.

Richard dumped Theresa over twenty years ago, and she is STILL stalking him after all these years, and is constantly harassing and threatening his fiancee.

This is one of many crazy messages Theresa sent to Doris:

"Your huge ass with full of poop. Btw, C**T, abnormal mind, unstable mind. When my old man will die soon I wiĺl have Richard again and you will die from heartbroken."

Theresa Carpenter writes all this crazy BS online because she is freaking out that we are finally suing her in Civil Court. She will lose what little she has.

Mark as Useful [250 votes]
  • Dec 23, 2019

Doris is EVIL

Doris A Campagna wasn't evidence of mental illness, it was evidence of evil intent.

Mark as Useful [650 votes]
  • Mar 20, 2020

Doris Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf

Dear Bitter People, Doris Campagna and Richard D Lauersdorf impersonate Theresa Carpenter. They're praying for you. they understand that you're not really upset with Theresa. You're upset with your life but taking it out on Theresa. They understand and that 's why they're praying for you.

Mark as Useful [349 votes]
  • Jul 1, 2020

Badmouthing Others

Doris Campagna talks bad about Theresa Carpenter for various reasons but I believe it comes down to low self-esteem, jealousy, frustration, anger, and weakness.

Mark as Useful [256 votes]
  • Aug 28, 2020

Theresa Fowler Carpenter

Theresa talks bad about Doris because Doris is and has everything that Theresa wants. There are various other reasons but basically it comes down to extremely low self-esteem, low IQ, jealousy, envy of others, frustration at her miserable, stressful life, anger, and mental and physical weakness.

Mark as Useful [194 votes]
  • Aug 10, 2019

All Lies

Doris and Richard are the victims in this situation. Theresa Carpenter has been stalking Richard for twenty-eight years, and Doris for seven years.

They have finally had enough. They are going to sue Theresa in Civil Court. The Carpenters will lose everything.

Mark as Useful [252 votes]
  • Jan 30, 2020

All Lies Again

Marshall called Bill yesterday. He wanted to know what was going on between Doris and Bill. Judge Colin H. Lindsay ordered Marshall to call Bill. Bill explained to Marshall Officer that Doris posted on the internet about us filed bankruptcy and said that Judge Linsday told her. Marshall got it and will let Judge know. I hope Doris get a big trouble because Judge Linsday is a FEDERAL JUDGE... He judges Doris and Nursing home for murder case. Hope she loses the case because she lies and lies. Doris and Richard need counselor.

Mark as Useful [255 votes]
  • Aug 27, 2020

Doris wants revenge. She is posting about Terry

Poor crazy liar, meth-head cockroach Terry. She hates Doris because Doris is everything Terry wants to be, and Doris has everything that Terry wants, including Doris' man Richard.

Everyword that comes out of Terry's mouth is a lie. She has no friends, even her children are fed up with her crazy shyte and want nothing to do with her.

Terry enjoys being nasty, just to see others feeling hurt or bad. This is because Terry is extremely insecure, so she tries to gain a sense of power by putting others down and trying to be hurtful with her comments. She thinks she is good at mind games, but she does not have the intelligence required. Too bad the happy couple Doris and Richard couldn't give a shyte what a pitful little cockroach Terry says.

Did you really think you could get a hamdsome, rich, successful man like Doris' man Richard? ROFLMAO

Happy, fulfilled people don't bully, only insecure miserable people do. They try to seem strong, but they are not. A strong person has no need to belittle anyone else.

The cockroach, Terry is at her worst when things are going bad at home, such as when the fugly man , Bill beats her, our they are struggling to pay their bills and make their mortgage payments, or they are dealing with their criminal meth head son, Chris Clark.

Oh, btw, did Peggy beat your scrawny ass yet?

The cockroach Terry is a miserable, mean, and rotten old woman with no friends. Everyone calls you "that crazy woman" or "that dumbass".

The cockroaches are about to get stomped on. Too bad you will be in the ground with Bill. You want him to die. Soon you will get your wish.

Mark as Useful [250 votes]
  • Apr 19, 2020


Theresa is terrible mom. Theresa's family are t r a s h.

People see this, Theresa’s insane. We quit paying attention to her.

Wow, Theresa had way too many men. She never married her baby-daddies. Her daddy did not let her date boys because he was jealous.

Nobody cares about Theresa's u g l y sisters and brothers.

Nobody cares about who got drunk and wrecked their car.

Dennis dumped Theresa when Chris was 11 mos old because she was insanely jealous.

She banged Kary and had a daughter, Kristie. If Kary a b u s e d his children (ANOTHER low life man) why did Theresa love him so much? Why does she still miss him?

Theresa never did data entry at Liberty National Bank. She is too stu pid and cannot spell.

Theresa needs to stop bothering people.

Theresa's body is grotesque. Fat, lumpy, wrinkled, saggy, and no a s s. She needs new padded panties.

Theresa is a miserable mean and rotten old woman. She does not love Bill. She is using him for security. She wants him to d i e.

Theresa is talking to her imaginary friends again.

Theresa has more problems than anybody.

Theresa needs to keep her t r a s h life private.

Wow, Theresa looked OLD and SLOPPY in the 2011 pictures at the baby shower.

Theresa looks even worse now, lol.

They can t wait to see her in Court in May.

Mark as Useful [237 votes]
  • Apr 22, 2020

All True About Theresa

The post above all true about Terry Fowler Carpenter, La Grange, KY

Mark as Useful [232 votes]
  • Jun 3, 2020


May? Truly, the quiet ones are winning.

Mark as Useful [335 votes]
  • Aug 18, 2020

Theresa Fowler Carpenter

Crazy Bitter People, Theresa Fowler Carpenter and her wife-beater husband William Carpenter impersonate Richard and Doris. We're worring for them. They should try praying in one hand and shitting in the other, see which hand fills up first. They're upset with their own miserable life but taking it out on Richard and Doris.

If Theresa and Bill would stop doing the meth, They could have a good life too. We understand that is why they're stalking us. The have severe mental problems.

Mark as Useful [199 votes]
  • Aug 20, 2020

False Story By Doris

False Story by Doris Campagna

Mark as Useful [254 votes]
  • Aug 20, 2020

Richard n Doris'stories

Just more lies by Richard and Doris.

Mark as Useful [255 votes]

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