Fraudster Danny Crichigno, 54, of Brooklyn failed to shake down the Cropsey Avenue Home Depot in Brooklyn for a large undisclosed sum of money for a fake knee injury he allegedly sustained pushing one of the store’s shopping carts. As with any monetary fraud, New York State Supreme Court judge Lizette Colon found in her ruling on January 9, 2020 there were no factuality or merit to support Crichigno’s frivolous personal injury claim he filed back on 30 July, 2019.
Docket Alarm, Inc. Reviews
Fraudster Danny Crichigno, 54, of Brooklyn failed to shake down the Cropsey Avenue Home Depot in Brooklyn for a large undisclosed sum of money for a fake knee injury he allegedly sustained pushing one of the store’s shopping carts. As with any monetary fraud, New York State Supreme Court judge Lizette Colon found in her ruling on January 9, 2020 there were no factuality or merit to support Crichigno’s frivolous personal injury claim he filed back on 30 July, 2019.