Jonathan thomas developers exercised it's right to dispute the charges through our credit card provider because our needs weren't being adressed by direct web advertising and our calls were being unanswered.
Going through our credit card provider was the only way to restart the dialog for an ammicable solution with direct web advertising. Jason mccaffery took it upon himself to post a report as soon as we excerised our right before the situation was resolved without following up on the actual problem.
Interestingly enough, if you go to his website,, the phone number listed connects you to dish network. When you call his cell phone he does not answer and we had to call him from various numbers until he answered.
Direct Web Advertising Reviews
Jonathan thomas developers exercised it's right to dispute the charges through our credit card provider because our needs weren't being adressed by direct web advertising and our calls were being unanswered.
Going through our credit card provider was the only way to restart the dialog for an ammicable solution with direct web advertising. Jason mccaffery took it upon himself to post a report as soon as we excerised our right before the situation was resolved without following up on the actual problem.
Interestingly enough, if you go to his website,, the phone number listed connects you to dish network. When you call his cell phone he does not answer and we had to call him from various numbers until he answered.
Glad to be done with direct web advertising!