Diane Urban was first publicaly linked to Dr. Hendo Henderson and the Sovcpr organization. She served as a MAJOR recruiter to get people to sign up for the Melchizedek / Bathsheba & Ester Trust program. She went as far as to travel with certain individuals if they paid for her travel to Dallas, TX to get indexed in order to be a part of the Melchzedek / Bathsheba & Ester Trust redemption programs. Diane Urban was in Dr. Henderson's inner circle and even lived at their index for a period of time. While living at the index Diane participated in taking donations in order to live. It is rumored that she 'stole' a large sum of the donation money which is ultimately why Hendreson and Shelley Boling kicked her out of their group. After the accusations happened she and others from Henderson's inner circle formed there own group which also included a redemption program. That group stopped after more contraversy within a couple of months. Diane then showed up on Facebook yet again which serves as her main mode of promotion along with LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/hrh-he-diane-urban-63211536/ promoting yet another group with the promise of relief and humanitarian projects. The Leader of that group claim Diane was misusing their name and trying to steal funds. She has since moved on from that group and now has her own named Ancient Dynastic Order of Miram.
Diane is a hustler who uses internet knowledge and other people's scams and legitimate work and package it as her own. When she first became public she was claming to have HIGH-RANKING banking connections which is how she hooked up with the fraudster Hendo I.L. Henderson and became the Ambassador of the Universal World Court. EVERY group Diane has been involved in has proven to be either fraudaluent or have had major contravesy and she is right in the middle of it. The most public was with the Sovcpr group with Dr. Henderson and she was accused of scamming the scam. Meaning the donations that Sovcpr was taking on behalf of helping the people were really being used for daily living expenses of Henderson's fake embassy which Diane lived in. Well, I guess that was not good enough because it was said she stole money from the donations via putting some money directly in her bank account. The bizzare thing is that didn't get her kicked out of sovcpr, it was her outing or going public with Dr. Hendo Henderson being a fraud is why they kicked her out. It is said Diane recruited MANY people to be indexed with the promise of being redeemed through a trust. Many of these people were in the process of foreclosures or looking for financial and legal assistance. She recrutied them to spend money to go to Dalass, Texas to get redeemed under Dr. Hendo Henderson. When relief did not occur, Diane either pled that she never promised anything or just stopped answering calls all together.
Beware of this woman!!!! When one scandal doesn't work she moves on to the next. NO ONE has EVER been helped redeemed, or rescued from ANYTHING she has been involved in. At one point she was homeless herself and needed help as she was promoting these programs. Check out this site on more info on Dr. Hendo Hederson's sovcpr / Trust scams that Diane was involved in. You can find Diane on Facebook and LinkedIn promoting her fake programs.
Diane Urban Reviews
Diane Urban was first publicaly linked to Dr. Hendo Henderson and the Sovcpr organization. She served as a MAJOR recruiter to get people to sign up for the Melchizedek / Bathsheba & Ester Trust program. She went as far as to travel with certain individuals if they paid for her travel to Dallas, TX to get indexed in order to be a part of the Melchzedek / Bathsheba & Ester Trust redemption programs. Diane Urban was in Dr. Henderson's inner circle and even lived at their index for a period of time. While living at the index Diane participated in taking donations in order to live. It is rumored that she 'stole' a large sum of the donation money which is ultimately why Hendreson and Shelley Boling kicked her out of their group. After the accusations happened she and others from Henderson's inner circle formed there own group which also included a redemption program. That group stopped after more contraversy within a couple of months. Diane then showed up on Facebook yet again which serves as her main mode of promotion along with LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/hrh-he-diane-urban-63211536/ promoting yet another group with the promise of relief and humanitarian projects. The Leader of that group claim Diane was misusing their name and trying to steal funds. She has since moved on from that group and now has her own named Ancient Dynastic Order of Miram.
Diane is a hustler who uses internet knowledge and other people's scams and legitimate work and package it as her own. When she first became public she was claming to have HIGH-RANKING banking connections which is how she hooked up with the fraudster Hendo I.L. Henderson and became the Ambassador of the Universal World Court. EVERY group Diane has been involved in has proven to be either fraudaluent or have had major contravesy and she is right in the middle of it. The most public was with the Sovcpr group with Dr. Henderson and she was accused of scamming the scam. Meaning the donations that Sovcpr was taking on behalf of helping the people were really being used for daily living expenses of Henderson's fake embassy which Diane lived in. Well, I guess that was not good enough because it was said she stole money from the donations via putting some money directly in her bank account. The bizzare thing is that didn't get her kicked out of sovcpr, it was her outing or going public with Dr. Hendo Henderson being a fraud is why they kicked her out. It is said Diane recruited MANY people to be indexed with the promise of being redeemed through a trust. Many of these people were in the process of foreclosures or looking for financial and legal assistance. She recrutied them to spend money to go to Dalass, Texas to get redeemed under Dr. Hendo Henderson. When relief did not occur, Diane either pled that she never promised anything or just stopped answering calls all together.
Beware of this woman!!!! When one scandal doesn't work she moves on to the next. NO ONE has EVER been helped redeemed, or rescued from ANYTHING she has been involved in. At one point she was homeless herself and needed help as she was promoting these programs. Check out this site on more info on Dr. Hendo Hederson's sovcpr / Trust scams that Diane was involved in. You can find Diane on Facebook and LinkedIn promoting her fake programs.