Subsequent to replying to his ad for an open chauffer position on Craigslist, I met with the owner of Diamond Transfer, Robert Brown on May 22, 2022. He informed me that he also owner Premire Limosuine. We met for the purpose of me driving for the company and that it would be in the capacity of a contracted chauffer. The meeting lasted for an hour.
We shook hands and a half day of training was to commence the following Saturday. Subsequent to my texting Robert my email address, as requested, he replied with a weak, fabricated story that he forgot that his driver from the same area was recovering from surgery and would be back soon and that we could revisit my coming aboard in January.
I find Robert Brown's business practices to lack integrity and that assuredly reflects on his compay's level of service.
Diamond Transfer & Garage Reviews
Subsequent to replying to his ad for an open chauffer position on Craigslist, I met with the owner of Diamond Transfer, Robert Brown on May 22, 2022. He informed me that he also owner Premire Limosuine. We met for the purpose of me driving for the company and that it would be in the capacity of a contracted chauffer. The meeting lasted for an hour.
We shook hands and a half day of training was to commence the following Saturday. Subsequent to my texting Robert my email address, as requested, he replied with a weak, fabricated story that he forgot that his driver from the same area was recovering from surgery and would be back soon and that we could revisit my coming aboard in January.
I find Robert Brown's business practices to lack integrity and that assuredly reflects on his compay's level of service.