This 3 time loser saw my ad on Craigslist looking for auto repair services. He contacted me and talked a good game. He knew about Mercedes and influenced me to pre-pay for parts so he could bring them to my house on the weekend.
Of course he was a no-show and I am out the money. Foolish to not do a google search on him, I would have found this useful info....too late.
Lesson here is always getting a reference or 2 from Craigslist crooks or any "mobile business" with no internet presence like Yelp.
Derek's Automotive Service Reviews
This 3 time loser saw my ad on Craigslist looking for auto repair services. He contacted me and talked a good game. He knew about Mercedes and influenced me to pre-pay for parts so he could bring them to my house on the weekend.
Of course he was a no-show and I am out the money. Foolish to not do a google search on him, I would have found this useful info....too late.
Lesson here is always getting a reference or 2 from Craigslist crooks or any "mobile business" with no internet presence like Yelp.
Karme MFer, your day will come.