I browsed to find a good deal for a dedicated server and found it at delimiter.com.
The site seems legit and with an online chat assistant I selected the server that interested me; made the payment via PayPal (luckly) and waited. As I was waiting it came to mymind to ask the chatline about provisioning and the operator told me that he could no longer help me as the sale was completed.
Here is where I got funny vibs and searched for the words delimiter AND scam: sure enough I had a fwe hits from users scammed in making a payment for a server they never received.
I immediately filed a complain with PayPal and set a few messages to the [email protected] . On the first two attempts I received a undeliverrable note, but with the paypal mail, I get an aknowledge of a "ticket" submission.
Since then I attempted to contact Delimiter to no avail.
Delimiter Reviews
I browsed to find a good deal for a dedicated server and found it at delimiter.com.
The site seems legit and with an online chat assistant I selected the server that interested me; made the payment via PayPal (luckly) and waited. As I was waiting it came to mymind to ask the chatline about provisioning and the operator told me that he could no longer help me as the sale was completed.
Here is where I got funny vibs and searched for the words delimiter AND scam: sure enough I had a fwe hits from users scammed in making a payment for a server they never received.
I immediately filed a complain with PayPal and set a few messages to the [email protected] . On the first two attempts I received a undeliverrable note, but with the paypal mail, I get an aknowledge of a "ticket" submission.
Since then I attempted to contact Delimiter to no avail.
I surely hope tthis can help someone out there.
I paid for a virtaul server - never saw any reactions
Subject says it all. No reaction of any kind. E-Mails or tickets remain unanswered.
Can't believe it because web site looked legit to me.