Deborah A. Kosak contacted me in response to a Craigslist ad I posted seeking a roomate. She came to my home and demanded that her name be put on there rental lease prior to her moving in. I declined. I allowed Deborah to move her belongings in from storage as a courtesy. I gave her a key so I wouldn’t have to rush home to let her in.
After conducting a background check on Deborah, I was made aware of a criminal history including terroristic threats, criminal trespassing, aggravated assault and more. I confronted Deborah and she denied any wrongdoing, stating that she just had bad experiences with former roommates.
I asked her what her current address was and she gave me the address of a homeless shelter. My neighbors downstairs recognized Deborah coming and going and informed me she is a known homeless woman. Meanwhile, her belongings were in my home and I started to get insect bites all over my body.
Deborah A. Kosak Reviews
Deborah A. Kosak contacted me in response to a Craigslist ad I posted seeking a roomate. She came to my home and demanded that her name be put on there rental lease prior to her moving in. I declined. I allowed Deborah to move her belongings in from storage as a courtesy. I gave her a key so I wouldn’t have to rush home to let her in.
After conducting a background check on Deborah, I was made aware of a criminal history including terroristic threats, criminal trespassing, aggravated assault and more. I confronted Deborah and she denied any wrongdoing, stating that she just had bad experiences with former roommates.
I asked her what her current address was and she gave me the address of a homeless shelter. My neighbors downstairs recognized Deborah coming and going and informed me she is a known homeless woman. Meanwhile, her belongings were in my home and I started to get insect bites all over my body.