These guys are the worst of the worst! Their account keeping is horrendous and the refuse to ever admit any wrong doing.
They incorrectly charged us and when we disputed what was a clear discrepency, they stopped talking. Then, instead of figuring out a solution - they simply get debt collectors involved.
They have been proven to lie and when confronted, simply deny any wrong doing. These guys do not play fair - do not have anything to do with them unless you want to be done over
De Marco Lawyers Reviews
These guys are the worst of the worst! Their account keeping is horrendous and the refuse to ever admit any wrong doing.
They incorrectly charged us and when we disputed what was a clear discrepency, they stopped talking. Then, instead of figuring out a solution - they simply get debt collectors involved.
They have been proven to lie and when confronted, simply deny any wrong doing. These guys do not play fair - do not have anything to do with them unless you want to be done over