The company/person recieved funds as fee for financing. After more than a month no finaicing has happen. Claimed that funing did happen but showed now proof. Stated they would return funds sent, to date(more thatn 2 months) no funds have been returned.
Asked for return of funds via, Email, Calls and Text to no avail. Has been thearted by the company with a lawsuit.
DCC Consulting/Kurtis Clay Reviews
The company/person recieved funds as fee for financing. After more than a month no finaicing has happen. Claimed that funing did happen but showed now proof. Stated they would return funds sent, to date(more thatn 2 months) no funds have been returned.
Asked for return of funds via, Email, Calls and Text to no avail. Has been thearted by the company with a lawsuit.