This site claims to assist people going through a hard time. There are some nice individuals on the site who are indeed helpful, however the company itself went into my bank account, after I signed up for a reduced 49.99 rate for- what I was lead to believe would be- one month, and cleaned out all but 5 cents. I checked my balance and they had taken out over 200.00; no receipt, no warning, no heads-up of any kind!!!! This was money I was going to use to buy food and instead it ended up in their pockets.
I contacted their billing and, as expected, they completely stonewalled me, stating that they would not refund my money but said I could continue to use the site.....after all the harm they had done already. Wonderful behaviour for a site that supposedly helps people in crisis. I was absolutely disgusted by their exploitive approach and I warn anyone out there to avoid giving these people your credit card info. I was foolish enough to do it and am now paying the price.
Cups of Tea Reviews
This site claims to assist people going through a hard time. There are some nice individuals on the site who are indeed helpful, however the company itself went into my bank account, after I signed up for a reduced 49.99 rate for- what I was lead to believe would be- one month, and cleaned out all but 5 cents. I checked my balance and they had taken out over 200.00; no receipt, no warning, no heads-up of any kind!!!! This was money I was going to use to buy food and instead it ended up in their pockets.
I contacted their billing and, as expected, they completely stonewalled me, stating that they would not refund my money but said I could continue to use the site.....after all the harm they had done already. Wonderful behaviour for a site that supposedly helps people in crisis. I was absolutely disgusted by their exploitive approach and I warn anyone out there to avoid giving these people your credit card info. I was foolish enough to do it and am now paying the price.