Crystal O'Conner claimes to be "The Moxie Entrepreneur" but is a fraud. She does not pay her invoices in a timely manner, if at all. I have been told I will not be paid for a past invoice after doing $574 in work. At first the excuse was that she would pay, she just did not have the money during that time frame. However after a while Crystal decided she needed a detailed run down of the 26-hours of work done over a one-month time frame. 26-hours average to a meere 6.5 hours of work a week. Yet, before she claimed she needed to know a detailed rundown Crystal could not even pay a portion of the invoice. Crystal claims to know all about business and can teach clients how to be successful in business, however she is not even successful in her own business.
I don't reccomend doing business with, or working with Crystal O'Connor.
Crystal O'Connor Reviews
Crystal O'Conner claimes to be "The Moxie Entrepreneur" but is a fraud. She does not pay her invoices in a timely manner, if at all. I have been told I will not be paid for a past invoice after doing $574 in work. At first the excuse was that she would pay, she just did not have the money during that time frame. However after a while Crystal decided she needed a detailed run down of the 26-hours of work done over a one-month time frame. 26-hours average to a meere 6.5 hours of work a week. Yet, before she claimed she needed to know a detailed rundown Crystal could not even pay a portion of the invoice. Crystal claims to know all about business and can teach clients how to be successful in business, however she is not even successful in her own business.
I don't reccomend doing business with, or working with Crystal O'Connor.