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report scamCountry | United States |
State | District Of Columbia |
City | Washington |
Address | 1800 M Street NW Suite 300 N |
Phone | 202.628.0300 |
Website | |
Cresa Reviews
If a hypothetical firm (referred to as "firm") asks analysts to fudge numbers to make higher commission options look more attractive than they really are, is that action holding up to a fiduciary responsibility to serve clients to the best of that firm's ability? Would such a firm be unethical? Would such a firm deserve to lose clients over unethical behavior?
Should clients of such a firm demand to be reimbursed for excess costs incurred by following corrupt advice? Would senior brokers at such a firm deserve to lose public clients that they deceived? Do clients of such a firm deserve a transparent and ethical service? Do clients of such a firm deserve to know if brokers intentionally deceive clients? Do clients of such a firm deserve to know if brokers are incompetent?
What should clients do if such a firm employs leadership and senior brokers who speak perversely and negatively about the LGBTQ community? Should clients of such a firm be concerned if regional leadership bullied staff? If such a firm defrauded clients to transact at the highest commission option, not the best option for the client, does the client deserve an audit to determine what led to such a recommendation? Does such a firm deserve to be audited for not upholding the firm's fiduciary responsibilities?