week. It was in loving condition, a large, bright hot pink LEATHER Michael Kors Handbag Purse that I went through so much to earn and trying to make a satisfaftory profit off as an honest and purhearted person and seller. I also have photos of the purse knowingly and obviously in perfect condition.
The very same day, I had gone to the store, wasted my own time, precious gas and own money to buy mailing supplies and mail it out to her. I shipped it to her lovingly and was expecting my online business to go as usual as it always did. Honesty, Kindness and Patience always goes a long way right? About 4 days later she received the item and files a fraudelent "item not as described/damaged" case with Ebay and Ebay comes to me giving me arange of options of things I may choose to offer her.
Crazy Frog Reviews
week. It was in loving condition, a large, bright hot pink LEATHER Michael Kors Handbag Purse that I went through so much to earn and trying to make a satisfaftory profit off as an honest and purhearted person and seller. I also have photos of the purse knowingly and obviously in perfect condition.
The very same day, I had gone to the store, wasted my own time, precious gas and own money to buy mailing supplies and mail it out to her. I shipped it to her lovingly and was expecting my online business to go as usual as it always did. Honesty, Kindness and Patience always goes a long way right? About 4 days later she received the item and files a fraudelent "item not as described/damaged" case with Ebay and Ebay comes to me giving me arange of options of things I may choose to offer her.