Attention - Craigslist SCAMMER James Washington State, Seattle, Fin Hill - Kirkland and surrounding areas - James Plumber, Gas Professional, Handyman, Electrician, etc... Attention SCAMMER. I was looking for a plumber and gas professional on Craigslist and this guy responded with an estimate to put together and connect a fire table, replace the faucet and the garbage disposal. Called himself James and his phone number is 360-840-7801.
First, he attached a replacement door on the fire table on the wrong side. Next, he was asked to connect that fire table to the existing home gas line. He did not know what to do, went to Home Depot and Ace Hardware, not able to find anything to connect it. Next, he positioned a faucet the wrong way, after that he did not properly connect the garbage disposal, it worked when I tested it but after he got paid and left it started leaking water. It was not properly connected at all. No skills at all just sloppy work just to get your money quick and run. He got paid and said he will return the next day.
The next day he did not show up and stopped picking up the phone or replying to a text. Just an update, the plumber that came to fix the garbage disposal told us that this guy completely messed up the plumbing. He showed us where and how.
Craigslist SCAMMER James Reviews
Attention - Craigslist SCAMMER James Washington State, Seattle, Fin Hill - Kirkland and surrounding areas - James Plumber, Gas Professional, Handyman, Electrician, etc... Attention SCAMMER. I was looking for a plumber and gas professional on Craigslist and this guy responded with an estimate to put together and connect a fire table, replace the faucet and the garbage disposal. Called himself James and his phone number is 360-840-7801.
First, he attached a replacement door on the fire table on the wrong side. Next, he was asked to connect that fire table to the existing home gas line. He did not know what to do, went to Home Depot and Ace Hardware, not able to find anything to connect it. Next, he positioned a faucet the wrong way, after that he did not properly connect the garbage disposal, it worked when I tested it but after he got paid and left it started leaking water. It was not properly connected at all. No skills at all just sloppy work just to get your money quick and run. He got paid and said he will return the next day.
The next day he did not show up and stopped picking up the phone or replying to a text. Just an update, the plumber that came to fix the garbage disposal told us that this guy completely messed up the plumbing. He showed us where and how.