Put ad in Craigslist beauty shop $500, friend selling because sold property. Few hours later received text from upstate NY, would gladly pay extra $30 if I held it, I'm very busy. What's your address, ill send cashiers check, plus take out amount for movers picking up in area. Got cashiers check 10 days later, $1832.60 from bogus co in mo., sent from TN. Luckily I live near navy credit union, check was drawn from them told check was fraudulent. Wire fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud etc... I did have a glimmer of hope, since I saw a suv with my plates the day I went to bank. They look for items $500 plus Thanks for letting me share similar to vechile wrap scam
Craigslist advertisements Reviews
Wanted me to run title report from athreports.com
Put ad in Craigslist beauty shop $500, friend selling because sold property. Few hours later received text from upstate NY, would gladly pay extra $30 if I held it, I'm very busy. What's your address, ill send cashiers check, plus take out amount for movers picking up in area. Got cashiers check 10 days later, $1832.60 from bogus co in mo., sent from TN. Luckily I live near navy credit union, check was drawn from them told check was fraudulent. Wire fraud, mail fraud, bank fraud etc... I did have a glimmer of hope, since I saw a suv with my plates the day I went to bank. They look for items $500 plus Thanks for letting me share similar to vechile wrap scam