This company operates under different names in different states. I thought was a California State website where you can order a court case reports. Since Trial transcripts are public records which are free, they sometimes ask for a $1 to make sure you are not abusing their service. Within 5 minutes I was charged $23.95 on that credit card from merchant I knew it was CourtRecordsCalifornia since I haven't used my credit card this past week.
This is a totally scam and they are abusing the public trust by using a domain that is deceptive. They are not an "org" company. They also have domains for other states using that extension.
Here were some red flags, they pretend that they are running a search of public court records for me by a progress bar. Then low and behold they found one record! Then they say they will give me the report for $1. I give the credit card information thinking that the report will show up. Of course the report doesn't show up, I have to give them my cell phone number to get a text link. There was no other option to get the report, only cell phone. I got very suspicious right then and logged off. I then checked my credit card and low and behold they had already charge me $23.95.
Court Records California Reviews
This company operates under different names in different states. I thought was a California State website where you can order a court case reports. Since Trial transcripts are public records which are free, they sometimes ask for a $1 to make sure you are not abusing their service. Within 5 minutes I was charged $23.95 on that credit card from merchant I knew it was CourtRecordsCalifornia since I haven't used my credit card this past week.
This is a totally scam and they are abusing the public trust by using a domain that is deceptive. They are not an "org" company. They also have domains for other states using that extension.
Here were some red flags, they pretend that they are running a search of public court records for me by a progress bar. Then low and behold they found one record! Then they say they will give me the report for $1. I give the credit card information thinking that the report will show up. Of course the report doesn't show up, I have to give them my cell phone number to get a text link. There was no other option to get the report, only cell phone. I got very suspicious right then and logged off. I then checked my credit card and low and behold they had already charge me $23.95.