I orderd three shirts. When I received the order, one shirt was missing. Immedialty called the company and left a message. When I didn't hear back from them the next day, I called again, during business hours. After it rang several times, I was greeted with a message that I called after hours and to leave a message. This was 1:00 PM their time, so how is this after hours? I have sent several emails as well and have not receive a reply, still three days later. I sent them another email today, and also Facebook chat, that if I did not hear from them by 1:00 PM their time, that I was going to launch a complaint with state and federal agencies that deal with this kind of business practice. Just have to wait and see, as of writing this report, they have 22 minutes left.
I ordered a clothing item from them on 12.16.16. and paid for air shipping. I have yet to receive my article and now they will not answer thier phone to tell me where it is. They also will not answer email.
Clothing Monster Reviews
I orderd three shirts. When I received the order, one shirt was missing. Immedialty called the company and left a message. When I didn't hear back from them the next day, I called again, during business hours. After it rang several times, I was greeted with a message that I called after hours and to leave a message. This was 1:00 PM their time, so how is this after hours? I have sent several emails as well and have not receive a reply, still three days later. I sent them another email today, and also Facebook chat, that if I did not hear from them by 1:00 PM their time, that I was going to launch a complaint with state and federal agencies that deal with this kind of business practice. Just have to wait and see, as of writing this report, they have 22 minutes left.
I ordered a clothing item from them on 12.16.16. and paid for air shipping. I have yet to receive my article and now they will not answer thier phone to tell me where it is. They also will not answer email.