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City of Raleigh

Country United States
State North Carolina
City Raleigh
Address 5360 Patuxent Drive
Phone 1 919 800 7361

City of Raleigh Reviews

  • Mar 18, 2022

I have lived in my townhome community (Glens of Riverside, Raleigh, NC) for 15 years. I receive bills from the City of Raleigh for my water service on a monthly basis. Since I am a single person these bills never exceed $40.00 per month during me tenancy. I did question that the City was charging me for recycling and stormwarter fees as these should have been included in the montly HOA requirements.

From what I understand we have a private person who does our recycling and is paid $10,000 per year. Hence, why do I incur these additional charges? These charges have been assessed on townhome for at least the last three years at a cost of approximately $12.00 each month.

In late December 2021 I decided to replace my 20 year old toilet to a better water conservation unit. The contractor I hired to do this has performed this activity on a regular basis for the last 15 years. There were no leaks in his installation.

My only other toliet was replaced only three years earlier, and there were no issues of leakage.

In February of 2022 I received a bill from the City of Raleigh that indicated that my usage of water was three times my normal average. I contacted the City and was informed that between January 23-January 31 that one of my toilets was in a continuous leak stage, and this was why I was charged a higher fee. When I explained to the representative that I had replaced an older toilet with a more water efficient one for conservation I was told that toilets can "repair themselves and stop leakage all on their own".

I hired a plumber who came in to my home and assessed potential areas of leakage. He found none at all. It is noteworthy to say I also replaced my dishwasher in December 2021. My plumber examined all possible areas of leakage to include hot water heater, toilets, sinks (kitchen and bathroom), dishwasher, water line, etc.) and observed no leakage from any of these units. In addition, I asked the City to send out one of their "inspectors" at my cost of $50.00 to examine leakeage. This person also found none.

I do believe that the City randomly selects people to say that their is a higher water volume at any paticular time as a way to make money for themselves. I also do not believe this was an accident. I do, though I hate to say it, was malicious intent. I do make this statement radomly. My neighbor also has a similar incident a few years prior.

Even though I know this is a way for the City to make money they now will not even cash the checks I send to them. I mailed them a check for their "unknown leakage issue" on March 3, 2022 for their enchanced billing. The City has also failed to cash this check or the one I sent on March 15, 2022 that includes their inspector fee of $50.00 in addition to my normal bill of $39.01 monthly which brings the total to $89.01.

I did write in the memo line "unfair invoice" on the original payment placed on March 3, 2022.. I worry now that this entity may try to ruin my credit rating. I have contacted local media about this issue but as of now have no success. However, I do realize that this needs to stop immediately.

I plan to call the NC Utilities Commission on Monday so this abhorrent practice is not repeated. Any help you can provide would be appreciated. The City provides an essential service but yet wants to make money for themselves and take from those who need it most but cannot, and should not, have to afford their deceptive and unwarranted price guaging practices.

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