The City of Cape Coral Government is very discriminatory to our Senior and Disability Facility and our residents, and has never assisted or welcomed the contributions of the endeavors we give to their community. They have condemned our “House of Worship,” interfered with our religious practices, and have retaliated against us for standing up and complaining about their illicit practices.
The water, code enforcement, and building departments have caused, and continues to cause, irreparable damages to our facility; the local Police Department is bias and prejudice and continuously fails to protect us, our vulnerable seniors, and our disability residents; and caused the loss of 228 low income deserving students their respective scholarship grants.
It is very clear that the City of Cape Coral Government, City Council, Code Enforcement, Building and Police Departments, simply do not want or encourage low income or disadvantaged residents living in their community and have continuously hampered our efforts to survive.
To emphasize the gross discrimination by the officials of Cape Coral against the under privileged within their community, one only has to realize that the City Officials, the City Manager, City Mayor, City Council, and the individual Directors of the various City Departments has always, and continues to refuse to build and operate a Homeless Shelter for the hundreds of homeless individuals and families living in their cars or the streets within their city limits.
They likewise refuse to allow any religious or humanitarian organization to operate any form of substance abuse treatment facilities within their city limits; and refuse to build or provide subsidized affordable housing for their impoverished residents. They cater only to the wealthy and affluent and the wealthy “s****.>
These immoral actions are so bizarre and numerous that it is impossible to apprehend all that exists. For more information of the atrocities that exist, please check out our web page and information noted in the web page of author Howard Cantrell’s soon to be published book,
City of Cape Coral Reviews
The City of Cape Coral Government is very discriminatory to our Senior and Disability Facility and our residents, and has never assisted or welcomed the contributions of the endeavors we give to their community. They have condemned our “House of Worship,” interfered with our religious practices, and have retaliated against us for standing up and complaining about their illicit practices.
The water, code enforcement, and building departments have caused, and continues to cause, irreparable damages to our facility; the local Police Department is bias and prejudice and continuously fails to protect us, our vulnerable seniors, and our disability residents; and caused the loss of 228 low income deserving students their respective scholarship grants.
It is very clear that the City of Cape Coral Government, City Council, Code Enforcement, Building and Police Departments, simply do not want or encourage low income or disadvantaged residents living in their community and have continuously hampered our efforts to survive.
To emphasize the gross discrimination by the officials of Cape Coral against the under privileged within their community, one only has to realize that the City Officials, the City Manager, City Mayor, City Council, and the individual Directors of the various City Departments has always, and continues to refuse to build and operate a Homeless Shelter for the hundreds of homeless individuals and families living in their cars or the streets within their city limits.
They likewise refuse to allow any religious or humanitarian organization to operate any form of substance abuse treatment facilities within their city limits; and refuse to build or provide subsidized affordable housing for their impoverished residents. They cater only to the wealthy and affluent and the wealthy “s****.>
These immoral actions are so bizarre and numerous that it is impossible to apprehend all that exists. For more information of the atrocities that exist, please check out our web page and information noted in the web page of author Howard Cantrell’s soon to be published book,