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Charles Berner

Country United States
State Pennsylvania
City Pittsburgh
Address 217 Foxcroft Road
Phone 412-926-4931

Charles Berner Reviews

  • Apr 25, 2021

You cant even trust the old people with anything. The fact is they are the biggest bunch of con artist that rip people off. This person is no different. Not only his he a liar, a theif and a con artist, he will rip anyone off that he can get away with. He will use his old age and his moronic personality to contact his credit card company file file fraud disputes to steal anything he buys online. He will purposely ignore you despite the number of emails you send, he will contact his credit card company and purposely lie though his one tooth left and make up fake delivery dates and continue his lies saying he contacted you.

When you go to get signed proof of deliveyr, his ahole will fake signatures and try to get the postal service to assist in his forgery. This crook will do anything to place the blame on others. Then when he has the item and loses the first dispute, this ahole will file yet another dispute claiming the same thing. This moron is going to spend the rest of his days in jail, because we are going to turn this loser into an example and will make sure he spends the rest of his pathetic loser life rotting in jail!

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