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Country United States
State Vermont
City Leesburg
Address 43771 Apache Wells Ter
Phone 1(415) 967-3972
Website Reviews

  • Apr 14, 2022 is a fraudulent pharmacy site. Its one of over 150 sites uncovered so far. If you place an order you will get an email from "Carlos Jones" [email protected] who will send you instructions on how to send payment. All payment methods leave you with no recourse, its all fake!!

With some help from law enforcement friends The real person behind this scam is William N Jones 57 from Leesburg Virgnia he is a software and tech expert who actually works for the "State of Maryland" !!!. He is of African decient (Camroon, Nigeria, Liberia). Other family members are involved as well and will edit this latter as more information comes in about them.

If you need pharmacy drugs there are legimate overseas providers do your research, is a fraud.

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