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Buying Group

Country United States
State Oregon
City Portland
Address 5150 N Basin Ave
Phone 1 747-296-4177

Buying Group Reviews

  • May 8, 2023

TheDealBuyer is a fraudulent company who are now operating on the popular messaging platform Telegram, Discord, Whatsapp. They ran off with over 1 MILLION DOLLARS and took the website down overnight. Didnt take all of 1 day talking in different discussion boards and forums,groups to find out they are now going by the name Beware of TheDealBuyer: A Website Committing Fraud

**UPDATE** Mark Mann this is not his first rodeo! After speaking with other victims, looks like he's done this multiple times in the last 5 years. Before DealBuyer he worked for a LEGIT company called MYS. He stole from them and moved on to THEDEALBUYER scam. DO NOT let him get you with the WWW.BUYINGGROUP.COM SCAM!!!!


The group behind this scam promises to pay you commission on products and deals that you buy and deliver to their warehouses. However, unsuspecting users who join the group may not know the history of the company, and that they could end up losing their hard-earned money.

TheDealBuyer is using a new domain to post links to new deals, communication updates, and for updates on how late their payments to customer are.

However, is involved in the buying and selling of stolen electronics, making it a fraudulent website that preys on finding new victims. TheDealBuyer claims that they are an “established company that’s done millions of dollars worth of business with hundreds of satisfied buyers around the world”. However, the reality is that ‘buyers’ are frequently scammed and the products they receive can be stolen. Using their Telegram group and their website puts you at serious risk of losing your money.

Red Flags to Watch Out For

To avoid falling victim to TheDealBuyer scam , watch out for these common red flags:

Lack of customer reviews: A business with no customer reviews or testimonials should raise suspicions. This is especially the case with TheDealBuyer since they were recently banned from Google Maps for asking their users to report bad and negative reviews.

Fake Positive Reviews: A business with glowing, five-star customer reviews or testimonials should also raise suspicions. TheDealBuyer were also caught manipulating reviews on Google Maps by running competitions to reward those who posted positive reviews.

Pressure to act quickly: Scammers often create a sense of urgency to prevent users from taking time to research the legitimacy of their offers. This is especially the case with TheDealBuyer as they need buyers to “commit” to purchasing new items and deals as soon as they are posted.

Unreliable Customer Payments: Be cautious of companies that operate within volatile markets (such as retail and electronics), which have very small profit margins. Companies that do not have a well managed cash-flow can often run into liquidity issues, which means, you may not get paid or reimbursed for items you purchase and ship. TheDealBuyer has had liquidity issues in the past, and often has a long delay in paying their customers for items they have already received and sold elsewhere.

How to Protect Yourself from TheDealBuyer Scam and Similar Scams

Mark Mann Scam

Research the business: Before making a purchase, research the company or group offering the deal. Check for an official website, social media presence, and customer reviews. With companies such as TheDealBuyer, you should also research the owners, since it’s likely they were part of failed or scam business ventures in the past too.

Be skeptical of too-good-to-be-true offers: If an offer seems too good to be true, it likely is. Trust your instincts and avoid deals that seem unrealistic.

Report suspicious companies and groups: If you come across a group or company like TheDealBuyer that you believe is running a scam, report it to Telegram and warn others in your network. If you believe TheDealBuyer or other companies have stolen money from you, report it to the local Police and the local District Attourney’s office. The local District Attorney’s office for TheDealBuyer is “Multnomah County”.

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