Warning!! I never write reports, but unfortunately this time. Found him on Craigslist needed driveway for a new house. Mr. Hurst was very courteous, but DOES NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE FOR CONCRETE. I think more small projects or block work. He came out graded but not leveled completely, no wire mesh. Paid a 2500.00 deposit and work is NOT quality. Also laid flimsy forms, busted out curb some for driveway lip but didn't have proper tools for the job. My driveway is incomplete and not ready for a pour. Job was quoted 3500.00, why my partner gave 2500.00 deposit is beyond me. Luckily he did return 900.00 of deposit, but I'm still owed about $800.00 because he just graded driveway and lawn and it's not worth $1600.00. Grading a 40ft driveway and lawn about 800.00 max. He said he was dealing with a personal situation and wanted to return our money just in case because he has a family and wasn't trying to take advantage of anyone. He said regardless he would have his brothers finish the job and call his wife Sharonda and she could contact his brothers to finish. I text/called her but No answer. Thank goodness he didn't pour, it would have been a lot more costly to tear up and pay for another person to correct.
Burnett Hurst Reviews
Warning!! I never write reports, but unfortunately this time. Found him on Craigslist needed driveway for a new house. Mr. Hurst was very courteous, but DOES NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE FOR CONCRETE. I think more small projects or block work. He came out graded but not leveled completely, no wire mesh. Paid a 2500.00 deposit and work is NOT quality. Also laid flimsy forms, busted out curb some for driveway lip but didn't have proper tools for the job. My driveway is incomplete and not ready for a pour. Job was quoted 3500.00, why my partner gave 2500.00 deposit is beyond me. Luckily he did return 900.00 of deposit, but I'm still owed about $800.00 because he just graded driveway and lawn and it's not worth $1600.00. Grading a 40ft driveway and lawn about 800.00 max. He said he was dealing with a personal situation and wanted to return our money just in case because he has a family and wasn't trying to take advantage of anyone. He said regardless he would have his brothers finish the job and call his wife Sharonda and she could contact his brothers to finish. I text/called her but No answer. Thank goodness he didn't pour, it would have been a lot more costly to tear up and pay for another person to correct.