On April, 1st ,2017. My husband and i picked up a uhaul from burlington auto outlet to move. We gave them a hundred dollar deposit to take the amount we owed from once we were done and we were supposed to get the rest back on return of the uhaul. We called sat afternoon after realizing we weren't going to make it before they closed to see if we could have the charges taken off our debit card. When i called a man i know now was rich meyer answered the phone and proceeded to tell me (in a condecinding way) i was assuming they were closed on Sunday that they were not and they would be open at 9am so we could get our money then. We ended up staying to return the uhaul at 9 like he said and there was noone there it was closed. We were lied to so i waited till Monday to call and find out how to get my money back and of course they said they can't send a check and we have to pick it up there knowing we are 7 hours away! We spoke to him again finding out he is the actual manager and he from the start had a bad insulting attitude like I'm dumb and its my own fault. I called the uhaul corporate office and they said he already marked the contract as paid out. Which means he said he already returned the money that we were owed back to us in cash on Saturday.
Burlington Auto Outlet Reviews
On April, 1st ,2017. My husband and i picked up a uhaul from burlington auto outlet to move. We gave them a hundred dollar deposit to take the amount we owed from once we were done and we were supposed to get the rest back on return of the uhaul. We called sat afternoon after realizing we weren't going to make it before they closed to see if we could have the charges taken off our debit card. When i called a man i know now was rich meyer answered the phone and proceeded to tell me (in a condecinding way) i was assuming they were closed on Sunday that they were not and they would be open at 9am so we could get our money then. We ended up staying to return the uhaul at 9 like he said and there was noone there it was closed. We were lied to so i waited till Monday to call and find out how to get my money back and of course they said they can't send a check and we have to pick it up there knowing we are 7 hours away! We spoke to him again finding out he is the actual manager and he from the start had a bad insulting attitude like I'm dumb and its my own fault. I called the uhaul corporate office and they said he already marked the contract as paid out. Which means he said he already returned the money that we were owed back to us in cash on Saturday.