I aswered a job posting in Craigslist for a PCB designer. I recevied several pieces of equipment and schematic of the work they wanted to do by a Max Roycroft at Vally Dynamo. After I spent two weeks on a part time baisis, he failed to pay for any work. Not sure what the scam is but it cost me some time. Tried contacting the main office but there web server is down.
BuiltByPlayers4Players.com Reviews
I aswered a job posting in Craigslist for a PCB designer. I recevied several pieces of equipment and schematic of the work they wanted to do by a Max Roycroft at Vally Dynamo. After I spent two weeks on a part time baisis, he failed to pay for any work. Not sure what the scam is but it cost me some time. Tried contacting the main office but there web server is down.