Building maintenance and Supplies Wears Valley Road
Pigeon Forge TN 37863
The business owner of this company is a jerk, didn't pay unemployment benefits to former employees, was a nosey manager, lied about employees stealing. The manager was friends with the Pigeon Forge PD. At the time a cop known as "Peanut Head" often spied on employees and stalked them as well. Think the manager was named Jim or something. A 50 something , 5ft 9", wears glasses, had a mustache, was not very kind. He had a grey haired short guy spy on employees daily. The manager invaded privacy of former employees he fired. The Dollywood contractor was manager at the Pigeon Forge Park District.
Building Maintenance and Supplies Reviews
Building maintenance and Supplies Wears Valley Road
Pigeon Forge TN 37863
The business owner of this company is a jerk, didn't pay unemployment benefits to former employees, was a nosey manager, lied about employees stealing. The manager was friends with the Pigeon Forge PD. At the time a cop known as "Peanut Head" often spied on employees and stalked them as well. Think the manager was named Jim or something. A 50 something , 5ft 9", wears glasses, had a mustache, was not very kind. He had a grey haired short guy spy on employees daily. The manager invaded privacy of former employees he fired. The Dollywood contractor was manager at the Pigeon Forge Park District.