I find his ad on Craigslist as boat shipping company, he told me he is the owner of Florida largest shipping company, he also sent me picture from his semi truck a 60' yacht behind. We sent him $1100 for the shipping of the 33' boat, when he received the money he just disappeared, no response on phone call, emails, just gone with the money. There is no office location, he has no any truck at all, he has about 30 fake website with his only cell phone number, there is no way to find him. Beware scam! DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY TO HIM
I find his ad on Craigslist as boat shipping company, he told me he is the owner of Florida largest shipping company, he also sent me picture from his semi truck a 60' yacht behind. We sent him $1100 for the shipping of the 33' boat, when he received the money he just disappeared, no response on phone call, emails, just gone with the money. There is no office location, he has no any truck at all, he has about 30 fake website with his only cell phone number, there is no way to find him. Beware scam! DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY TO HIM