Warning: Do not work with this company, and call the government to check licenses if you do!!!!!
Bountiful Assurance LTD. and LLC. is a non-licensed, non-registered entity that attempts to sell Insurance and take Premiums without having any carriers to sell to or from. Michael Kelly and Michael Miller are two conmen who attempt to charge customers in the financial risk business, and cannot perform. This has been such an issue that the Gov. of the Bahamas had to issue a Public Notice of this (written below).
Michael Kelly has attempted to dupe clients out of money by setting up a US "Bountiful Assurance, LLC.", out of Florida. You can look up this company as well, which has no licenses or registration with the Insurance division in the state of florida as well.
These two conmen attempt to sell a binder backed by Liberty Mutual, Catalyn, AXA XL as well as other carriers they list in their binders or docs. They also state that they will use a NY Trust that has the carriers. This website does not have a phone number either and cannot be reached. The policies they issue cannot be confirmed by these carriers as they have no knowledge of Bountiful Assurance.
Getting Insurance licenses and setting up brokerages is not hard in any country, but these gents do not want to do it the legal way, and are conning people out of money. Read the notice below from the Bahamas...
Here is the address of Bountiful Assurance Below:
Corporate Office:
P.O. Box SS6240, Shirley Street, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas
Bountiful Assurance Ltd
Building 7 International Bazaar
Freeport, GBI, Bahamas
Phone: 800-311-3415
(Below can be seen online) (I will attache the letter to RipOff-report if possible).
Bountiful Assurance Reviews
Warning: Do not work with this company, and call the government to check licenses if you do!!!!!
Bountiful Assurance LTD. and LLC. is a non-licensed, non-registered entity that attempts to sell Insurance and take Premiums without having any carriers to sell to or from. Michael Kelly and Michael Miller are two conmen who attempt to charge customers in the financial risk business, and cannot perform. This has been such an issue that the Gov. of the Bahamas had to issue a Public Notice of this (written below).
Michael Kelly has attempted to dupe clients out of money by setting up a US "Bountiful Assurance, LLC.", out of Florida. You can look up this company as well, which has no licenses or registration with the Insurance division in the state of florida as well.
These two conmen attempt to sell a binder backed by Liberty Mutual, Catalyn, AXA XL as well as other carriers they list in their binders or docs. They also state that they will use a NY Trust that has the carriers. This website does not have a phone number either and cannot be reached. The policies they issue cannot be confirmed by these carriers as they have no knowledge of Bountiful Assurance.
Getting Insurance licenses and setting up brokerages is not hard in any country, but these gents do not want to do it the legal way, and are conning people out of money. Read the notice below from the Bahamas...
Here is the address of Bountiful Assurance Below:
Corporate Office:
P.O. Box SS6240, Shirley Street, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas
Bountiful Assurance Ltd
Building 7 International Bazaar
Freeport, GBI, Bahamas
Phone: 800-311-3415
(Below can be seen online) (I will attache the letter to RipOff-report if possible).