Guy bought electronic item from me, as soon as received, accused seller of modifying it, didn't work correctly, ,etc. Item was 100% functional upon receipt and confirmed with other individuals when shipped. K4CWO sent is back without authorization for return or refund. Rcvd item back, bench tested, worked as it did when sent, 100% functional, but K4CWO packed it improperly, insured for less then value shipped by significant amount.
Had additional scratches and dents in case that were not there when shipped to K4CWO. K4CWO decreased value of item due to improperly handling item, improper shipping/packing, etc. Lied about item functionality, would not provide any documentation of proof and seller offered to pay to have a bench check the item but that never happened. Not to be trusted.
Bobby Vaughn k4CWO Reviews
Guy bought electronic item from me, as soon as received, accused seller of modifying it, didn't work correctly, ,etc. Item was 100% functional upon receipt and confirmed with other individuals when shipped. K4CWO sent is back without authorization for return or refund. Rcvd item back, bench tested, worked as it did when sent, 100% functional, but K4CWO packed it improperly, insured for less then value shipped by significant amount.
Had additional scratches and dents in case that were not there when shipped to K4CWO. K4CWO decreased value of item due to improperly handling item, improper shipping/packing, etc. Lied about item functionality, would not provide any documentation of proof and seller offered to pay to have a bench check the item but that never happened. Not to be trusted.