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report scamCountry | United States |
State | California |
City | Los Angeles |
Address | 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311 |
Website | |
I placed an order with Blubonic through Amazon before realizing it was the wrong product for me. I cancelled the order within 24 hours, but not withstanding 5 instructions to cancel they have neither responded to my emails or cancelled the order. As best as I can tell from Amazon they still intend to ship. Do NOT order from this supplier!
I ordered 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide in the 32 oz bottle on March 11th and on March 12th I received an email and USPS priority mail tracking number that my order had shipped and I would receive my order in 3 to 5 business days. I called USPS 3/20/20 and was on hold for almost an hour to find out that the package never got delivered to USPS for shipment. I have called and emailed Blubonic Industries with no response from them what so ever. My next step will be to file a claim/complaint with PayPal and get my money back.
Bluconic indistries inc has bait and switch ads of amazon using 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide reviews. He has swtiched the product to being less than 12%, while convincing people it is 35%. That is ripoff since he is diluting it over 300% from what is stated in the reviews. This guy thinks it is the smartest guy on earth. No percent in the title. No percentage on the bottle labels. Bizarre product description language no one can understand, and a hundred reviews for 35% as the only way anyone can know what percentage it is. But it is less than 12%. Huge bait and switch fraud.
But he even thinks he is smarter than that. He has amazon being his drug pusher, money collector and money launderer. Blubonic means marijuana / canabis. It is the most powerful of all marijuana strains. His real company name is marijuana industries inc. It is clear he is selling blubonic marijuana across the usa thru amazon and his website that screams he is selling marijuana.
Bubonic plague is spelled differently. Blubonic only means marijuana.)
The talk is that if a person just orders, he will ship his extremely overpriced product. If a person sends any email with any clue that they want the marijuana, he sends a bottle of cheap crap to show something shipped and anonymously ships the person their marijuana - reportedly in small glass vials. All potheads know blubonis is the strongest and most sought after marijuana. They know what his company name means. Added to this is the bizarre homepage of just smoke coming out an apartment window, test tubes and microscope - having nothing to do with the products he sells - but everything to do with marijuana. A
Anyone who searches "blubonic" Blubonic variety of marijuana), it takes the person to his amazon listing and to his website. His prices are so vastly higher than anyone else it allows a huge profit if he sends junk plus the marijuana separately. He is making at least $10,000 or more per kilo of marijuana.
Amazon is being used as both his illegal drug pusher and money launderer. Amazon takes it cut of the drug sales in their fees.
I've read that less than 1 in 10 amazon shoppers will leave a review. So hie has sold thousands and thousands of orders of bulbonic marijuana on amazon. Amazon so likes this they feature him all over the top of many search pages.
Anyone who wants citric acid or hydrogen peroxide it getting ripped off! his prices are extremely higher than anyone else - and its all bait-and-switch fraud now. Maybe it wasn't before 35% was banned. Now it is diluted over 300%.
Unless you are buying his marijuana off amazon or his website, you do not want to buy from him.
While his method makes it very difficult for him to get caught in a provable case and he probably moves form apartment to apartment and different ups po boxes, too many people are talking about his. This means if you buy marijuana from him for his blubonic amazon listings, you may be who gets burned ordering and receiving marijuana acrosss state lines - a felony - and a federal swat team may end up raiding your home. He probably moves around a lot. Do you?
This is very dangerous. Blubonic marijuana is much stronger than other kinds. If a person were to eat like other forms of pot, it could be lethal, especially as a child. While marijuana is considered not a lethal drug, these super evolved versions are so powerful they can be lethal or truly put a person dangerously out of their mind. That's why it is so expensive. But he is charging top dollar for small qualities like drug dealers do.
There is another complaint that goes into more detail on yscam to read plus there is a lot of talk about him and his clever national sales of marijuana on amazon and his website.
This warning was on a website. I researched it and everything in the warning is true and REALLY SERIOUS! The website asked people help spread this warning so I'm doing so.
"Blubonic Industries Inc." sounds like a major company with production facilities, warehouses, sales staff, technical staff and more, doesn't it? Even more so if there were hundreds of reviews of it, confirming it is 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Certainly, it must be real 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise it couldn't be on Amazon and at the top of the search page. You would think so.
Would it surprise you to learn all of that is false, a con-job and trickery by someone in a small apartment in L.A. California?
If you search Amazon (April 24, 2018) for "35 percent food grade," you will find "Blubonic Industries Inc.
food grade hydrogen peroxide. Neither the title nor label state 35% or any concentration, nor does the product description say what concentration it is. Rather, it talks about "indicated" concentration and that the concentration level is what he has determine is "safe" to handle.
If you scroll down you will see over 400 reviews praising it as 35%. The price is for 35%. All those reviews vouching for it as 35% is VERY impressive, aren't they? Certainly then it is 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, isn't it?
No. it is not 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is a scam, a lie, and a con-job buy by an apartment-based seller. Amazon does not even allow 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to be listed. Amazon allows no higher concentration than 12%. This is worth repeating. Not ONE of the product reviews on his Amazon listings - any of them - talking about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide have ANYTHING to do with what he is selling, nor were they posted in review of what is in the listings. It's just a very skillful trick.
So how can he claim he is selling 35%? Read this page to understand how so many sellers online now for health and dietary products are getting away with selling bogus, fake and mislabeled products, and/or deceptive ad language for food grade hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver and other health products online market their bogus products. Learn how they think and how they operate.
Blubonic Industries Inc. by searching appears to be just is a rental drop box in a UPS store in a run down part of Los Angeles and the "facility" manufacturing it is a small, old Los Angeles apartment.
Is it 35%? NO! You are being tricked by an unscupulous apartment-based seller. It is not 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Not ONE of those 35% reviews is for that product on that listing whatsoever. EVERY one of the reviews has NOTHING do to with the product. In fact, Amazon does not even allow 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to be sold by anyone. 35% is prohibited on Amazon. SO WHY ARE ALL THE REVIEWS ABOUT 35%!!!!
So what is the actual concentration really? 12%? 6%? 3%? All you know is that it can not be 35%, can not be over 12% by Amazon rules - and rather it is is what ever he says is "safe to handle" - not saying what that is. So it could be 1%. Or 3%. Or 6%. You can not tell from the listing. Yet you are paying as much as $49.95 a bottle for it?
Does this sound like some pipe dream scheme of a con artist? What does "Blubonic mean? "Blubonic" is a strain of marijuana. So the actual company is the botanical name for "Marijuana Industries." Regardless of a person's opinion on marijuana, would any legitimate company have such a name when it unrelated to marijuana? Rather, it appears he relies upon potential buyers to do no research on him or his business as if a cynical prank.
"Blubonic marijuana strain is a Sativa dominant marijuana. This bud is a heavyweight when it comes to THC concentration, up to an amazing 26%. Due to such potency, the cannabis provides a strong, long lasting cerebral high, not recommended for first time users.” Search Public Records about Blubonic (Marijuana) Industries Inc. as of April 22, 2018
Blubonic Industries Inc. is registered to "Jerome John" at 1335 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, California 90028 according to his filing for a trademark. The address is a small apartment complex. Note, no proof of identity is required to file for a trademark. There is no way to now if that is his real or full name.
His business operation, according to his website, is at 1905 Wilcox Ave, Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068. We will show that actual location below from Google street view.
He given no phone number on his website. Ever heard of "industries" with no phone number?
He has pictures of microscopes, test tubes and an odd picture of an apartment building with smoke coming out a pipe from one window on his website.
What are the real FACTS about "Blubonic Industries Inc." hydrogen peroxide?
1. Uses product reviews for 35% having NOTHING to do with his hydrogen peroxide that is not 35% as trickery.
2. Is not selling 35% concentration nor is there any way to know what the concentration really is.
3. Does not actual state what the concentration is if you read the fine print - rather only what he thinks is "safe."
4. "Industries" that are actually a run down small old apartment, a dry cleaners and/or UPS store.
5. No contact phone number.
6. A cynical company name that actually means "marijuana."
You actually do not have any way to know what in the bottle, just that it is not 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. He says Amazon does not allow "indicating" over 12%, but that he puts in it what he thinks is "safe to handle." What is that? He doesn't say!
What do all the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide reviews have to do with what the items are? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! HE IS NOT SELLING 35%!!!
Knowing this, would you trust putting what he is selling in your mouth and swallowing it? Or on your skin? In a nebulizer or vaporizer to breathe it in? Would you want to use in a garden for food you will eat or in a spa or swimming pool you will get into? Put in water for your beloved pet? The only thing you know is that it is NOT 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, though you paid $49.95 for a gallon a gallon of it.
Since it may be a near 100% pure profit product that is little more than a gallon of water out of a sink, this allows him the money to massively advertise on Amazon, so he's at the top of the page. How many people have been conned out of their money? Is his product even safe at all? This is a real tragedy and truly endangers people. Not only are they NOT getting the hoped benefits from their product, the product may severely and long term damage their health. Worse, given the obvious cynical nature of such sellers, you can not even know if they are spitting or urinating the bottles or any other sadistic action. This by no means is not unheard of. Only an amoral person or even true sociopath engages is extreme deceptions on health related products. For online purchasing of health related products, WHO you buy from now is as important as what you buy. Do not fall for an attractive label, health promises and claimed reviews and endorsements when you buy health products online. You need to know about the seller.
For Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, there are TWO questions to ask: 1. Is it clearly stated to be 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? Not "indicated." Not "reduced from." 2. Is the seller registered per new federal regulations concerning 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security? We are. If the seller is not, figure the odds the seller has 35% to sell or reduce from are just about zero.
Documenting The Above Claims: The response to anything you read online should be "prove it." The above statements are severe. Can we prove it? Yes we can - every word of it.
Here is the proof: Blubonic Industries Inc. Trademark registration shows Jerome John at 1335 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, California 90028. You can search "Blubonic Industries Trademark registration at and it shows that name and address. No ID is required to file a trademark so that may not be his real name or his full name.
A search of the address on Google Street View shows it is are beat up run down old apartment complex in LA - not a business location, facility or business. You can search the address and what it looks like yourself by search Google maps and looking at the street view for Blubonic Industries Inc. Trademark recorded address of 1335 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90028
When I read the business name of Blubonic Industries Inc I did not think that would be just someone's little apartment unit. That is not "industries!"
His website is bizarre - like something a pothead would have. The website picture is a moving video clip showing smoke billowing out of a side window of the apartment/production facility. Is to supposed to be showing off "Blubonic" marijuana smoke being blown out of the corner of a window? Is a small unit what you envisioned for "Blubonic Industries Inc.?" That is not an industrial location. It is a small, rundown apartment complex. His website is really bizarre.
The website also has a picture of a microscope and test tubes as if a laboratory, although microscopes and test tubes have nothing to do with either hydrogen peroxide or d'limonine (citric acid). Anyone can use stock website templates and Google images for a website and pick any great sounding industry or company name.
His website is on his contact page of is 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068.
THERE IS NO PHONE NUMBER! Ever hear of "INDUSTRIES" that have NO telelphones?
The actual address and the office "suite" of "Blubonic Industries, Inc. Google street view of the website address of 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90068.
Google Street view shows a dry cleaners, a tiny hotel and a UPS store. Which one of those is the facility of "Blubonic Industries Inc? "
Notice the address of 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068 on his website (and no phone number)
I attached to this a picture of the actual address and the office "suite" of "Blubonic Industries, Inc. Google street view of the website address of 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90068. Is the "Suite" of Blubonic Industries Inc. the Lido Cleaners, the little hotel in the rear, or the UPS store?
Notice the address of 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068 (and no phone number) This the actual address and the office "suite" of "Blubonic Industries, Inc. Google street view of the website address of 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90068 Is the "Suite" of Blubonic Industries Inc. the Lido Cleaners, the little hotel in the rear, or the UPS store? I suspect the "Suite" number is just a box number in the UPS store and it seems like overall he's in hiding - like the name he used for Trademark registration is just his first and middle, but not last name. Why no phone number? Every body - or at least every business - has a phone number.
Even street people have cell phones now. A crummy old tiny apartment, maybe showing off his Blubonic MARIJUANA smoke out the window on his website. No phone number. Reviews that aren't even about the product. His industries are really a UPS store drop box, laundry place or old hotel?
I agree this is super dangerous. People use food grade hydrogen peroxide for many uses. For some people, they buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide because they are battling a terrible illness, disease or other physical suffering. Some literally fighting for their very lives. Some will put drops into liquid and drink it, put it on their skin, in nebulizers and into vaporizers to breathe. The dangers of fake or deceptive food grade hydrogen peroxide - and unsanitary packaging - literally could over time destroy a person's health even lethally, while denying the person the benefits they are seeking from 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. This makes fraud for health and dietary products so extremely unethical and dangerous.
This info is from a warning website. I looked it all up - looked at the trademark public records, his website, the Amazon listings, and Google street view. Everything above is true. The person posting the warning above asked that people spread the word. So I posted this to help spread the word to warn people.
I attached pictures so you can see for yourself. You can look it all up and confirm it yourself. Help warn other people about "Blubonic Industries Inc!" It's just some guy in a crummy old apartment running an online scam.
Cannot get a call back or email, this company is a scam. Months after making a purchase I never received a response or product with countless attempts to cancel for a refund.
my experience is exactly like several others. Ordered, paid with paypal. 2 days later on 4/3/20 I recd an email with a usps tracking #. To this day two months later, tracking says USPS is awaiting receipt of the package. Two emails to them responded with an auto reply once saying they are 3 weeks behind (tho my pkg shipped, right?) And then no reply to the second. Filed dispute with paypal May 7th. Paypal says they "replied" to my inquiry. They replied with a period- the punctuation remark! Paypal should hopefully refund me soon. All this for $40 and no product two months later!
Lordy, I checked out the google street view of their addresse! Yep, a ups store rent-a-box address!
I suppose I should be happy that they didn't send me a bottle of god knows what!
And someone counterclaiming these reports on here? Blubonic, is that you?
I purchased theyre product over a month ago n they still havent shipped what i paid for to me ive emailed them 3 different times n the only response i get back is a audited response n ever a actual person n they refuse to just ncel my order n return me my money they say no refunds.
I have no way to evaluate the above information, but currently, the photo of the products shows that it says "12% Hydrogen Peroxide Food Grade" which I certainly hope is true.
It's important to note that the recommended concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide for COVID-19 disinfecting purposes is 5%
IF people who buy the product end up with a gallon of anything less than 5% Hydrogen Peroxide, or IF, thinking it's 12% per the Amazon ad, they dilute it to what they believe will be 5% but is actually much less because the original product is from the start something less than the 12% advertised, they will not be using an effective COVID-19 disinfectant.
People could die. If this is true, I'm horrified to discover this information and hope Amazon does something about it quickly. However, I have to state again that I have absolutely no way to evaluate either the claims here or those made by Blubonic and that's why I gave a rating of 3 stars.
Blubonic Industries has been providing food grade hydrogen peroxide to us for years with stellar service and quality.
Garrett Thornton
The website claims of Blubonic Industries Inc are absurd for anyone who knows anything about food grade hydrogen peroxide. He claims he is selling homemade food grade hydrogen peroxide by a Stanford chemist. This is as absurd a claim as someone claiming they are selling homemade gasoline. Food grade hydrogen peroxide is manufactured under government supervision in huge refineries and subject to government inspection. If you search you find the industry is a 900 square foot apartment and operating out of a UPS mailbox, which he falsely calls a suite.
The site also claims it is 0.001% accurate. This means it is can not be food grade. Food grade has no stabilizers so can not be that precise. It would take massive amounts of dangerous stabilizing chemicals to be that precise. Anyone who knows about food grade versus other grades of hydrogen peroxide knows that. The whole website is a giant scam relying on people to be impressed by words like Stanford chemist and other false claims.
There is no such thing as homemade food grade hydrogen peroxide. He's just some guy filling bottles in his apartment who made a website making ridiculous false claims to get people's money saying anything to get it. It can not be food grade or it would not be that precise. It can not be made in a 900 square foot apartment. Only industrial peroxides with huge amounts of stabilizers can be that precise. Who knows what is in the bottles he is filling? Very scary to think of anyone putting that into their body.
Blubonic Industries Inc selling on Amazon is using Amazon for nationwide sales of blubonic marijuana. Amazon must be aware of this as blubonic is marijuana and the form with the highest THC level. Beware if you order a product from them off of Amazon. The real sales are obtained by other marketing and word of mouth thru blogs, Facebook and Twitter. The person orders on Amazon, instead gets what they really want which is blubonic marijuana and then leaves a great review for the marijuana, not the actual product sold on Amazon. However, if it is not a drug sale then the person gets what is listed that is clearly overpriced.
Any cannabis user knows what blubonic is. Blubonic is marijuana with a whooping 25.60% active cannabinoid or THC.
While money laundering thru Amazon may not be unheard of, the seller's ID and even company name of Blubonic Industries, Inc is outright the name of an illegal drug, which Amazon must know and allow anyway.
What is so unusual about this is that blubonic is known to be marijuana so it there is no attempt to even hide this from Amazon. Amazon must know the listings are being used for illegal nationwide selling of marijuana with the money being laundered thru Amazon. In addition, even in states where marijuana is legal to sell it still requires a license and Amazon would be required to collect the much higher sales tax on marijuana sales, which is as high as over 20%. Even then it can not be mail order sold.
Does any other seller on Amazon have a seller ID and company name that is openly is an illegal drug?
This warning was on a website. I researched it and everything in the warning is true and REALLY SERIOUS! The website asked people help spread this warning so I'm doing so.
"Blubonic Industries Inc." sounds like a major company with production facilities, warehouses, sales staff, technical staff and more, doesn't it? Even more so if there were hundreds of reviews of it, confirming it is 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Certainly, it must be real 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise it couldn't be on Amazon and at the top of the search page. You would think so.
Would it surprise you to learn all of that is false, a con-job and trickery by someone in a small apartment in L.A. California?
If you search Amazon (April 24, 2018) for "35 percent food grade," you will find "Blubonic Industries Inc.
food grade hydrogen peroxide. Neither the title nor label state 35% or any concentration, nor does the product description say what concentration it is. Rather, it talks about "indicated" concentration and that the concentration level is what he has determine is "safe" to handle.
If you scroll down you will see over 400 reviews praising it as 35%. The price is for 35%. All those reviews vouching for it as 35% is VERY impressive, aren't they? Certainly then it is 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, isn't it?
No. it is not 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. It is a scam, a lie, and a con-job buy by an apartment-based seller. Amazon does not even allow 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to be listed. Amazon allows no higher concentration than 12%. This is worth repeating. Not ONE of the product reviews on his Amazon listings - any of them - talking about 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide have ANYTHING to do with what he is selling, nor were they posted in review of what is in the listings. It's just a very skillful trick.
So how can he claim he is selling 35%? Read this page to understand how so many sellers online now for health and dietary products are getting away with selling bogus, fake and mislabeled products, and/or deceptive ad language for food grade hydrogen peroxide, colloidal silver and other health products online market their bogus products. Learn how they think and how they operate.
Blubonic Industries Inc. by searching appears to be just is a rental drop box in a UPS store in a run down part of Los Angeles and the "facility" manufacturing it is a small, old Los Angeles apartment.
Is it 35%? NO! You are being tricked by an unscupulous apartment-based seller. It is not 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide.
Not ONE of those 35% reviews is for that product on that listing whatsoever. EVERY one of the reviews has NOTHING do to with the product. In fact, Amazon does not even allow 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide to be sold by anyone. 35% is prohibited on Amazon. SO WHY ARE ALL THE REVIEWS ABOUT 35%!!!!
So what is the actual concentration really? 12%? 6%? 3%? All you know is that it can not be 35%, can not be over 12% by Amazon rules - and rather it is is what ever he says is "safe to handle" - not saying what that is. So it could be 1%. Or 3%. Or 6%. You can not tell from the listing. Yet you are paying as much as $49.95 a bottle for it?
Does this sound like some pipe dream scheme of a con artist? What does "Blubonic mean? "Blubonic" is a strain of marijuana. So the actual company is the botanical name for "Marijuana Industries." Regardless of a person's opinion on marijuana, would any legitimate company have such a name when it unrelated to marijuana? Rather, it appears he relies upon potential buyers to do no research on him or his business as if a cynical prank.
"Blubonic marijuana strain is a Sativa dominant marijuana. This bud is a heavyweight when it comes to THC concentration, up to an amazing 26%. Due to such potency, the cannabis provides a strong, long lasting cerebral high, not recommended for first time users.” Search Public Records about Blubonic (Marijuana) Industries Inc. as of April 22, 2018
Blubonic Industries Inc. is registered to "Jerome John" at 1335 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, California 90028 according to his filing for a trademark. The address is a small apartment complex. Note, no proof of identity is required to file for a trademark. There is no way to now if that is his real or full name.
His business operation, according to his website, is at 1905 Wilcox Ave, Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068. We will show that actual location below from Google street view.
He given no phone number on his website. Ever heard of "industries" with no phone number?
He has pictures of microscopes, test tubes and an odd picture of an apartment building with smoke coming out a pipe from one window on his website.
What are the real FACTS about "Blubonic Industries Inc." hydrogen peroxide?
1. Uses product reviews for 35% having NOTHING to do with his hydrogen peroxide that is not 35% as trickery.
2. Is not selling 35% concentration nor is there any way to know what the concentration really is.
3. Does not actual state what the concentration is if you read the fine print - rather only what he thinks is "safe."
4. "Industries" that are actually a run down small old apartment, a dry cleaners and/or UPS store.
5. No contact phone number.
6. A cynical company name that actually means "marijuana."
You actually do not have any way to know what in the bottle, just that it is not 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. He says Amazon does not allow "indicating" over 12%, but that he puts in it what he thinks is "safe to handle." What is that? He doesn't say!
What do all the 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide reviews have to do with what the items are? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! HE IS NOT SELLING 35%!!!
Knowing this, would you trust putting what he is selling in your mouth and swallowing it? Or on your skin? In a nebulizer or vaporizer to breathe it in? Would you want to use in a garden for food you will eat or in a spa or swimming pool you will get into? Put in water for your beloved pet? The only thing you know is that it is NOT 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide, though you paid $49.95 for a gallon a gallon of it.
Since it may be a near 100% pure profit product that is little more than a gallon of water out of a sink, this allows him the money to massively advertise on Amazon, so he's at the top of the page. How many people have been conned out of their money? Is his product even safe at all? This is a real tragedy and truly endangers people. Not only are they NOT getting the hoped benefits from their product, the product may severely and long term damage their health. Worse, given the obvious cynical nature of such sellers, you can not even know if they are spitting or urinating the bottles or any other sadistic action. This by no means is not unheard of. Only an amoral person or even true sociopath engages is extreme deceptions on health related products. For online purchasing of health related products, WHO you buy from now is as important as what you buy. Do not fall for an attractive label, health promises and claimed reviews and endorsements when you buy health products online. You need to know about the seller.
For Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, there are TWO questions to ask: 1. Is it clearly stated to be 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide? Not "indicated." Not "reduced from." 2. Is the seller registered per new federal regulations concerning 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security? We are. If the seller is not, figure the odds the seller has 35% to sell or reduce from are just about zero.
Documenting The Above Claims: The response to anything you read online should be "prove it." The above statements are severe. Can we prove it? Yes we can - every word of it.
Here is the proof: Blubonic Industries Inc. Trademark registration shows Jerome John at 1335 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, California 90028. You can search "Blubonic Industries Trademark registration at and it shows that name and address. No ID is required to file a trademark so that may not be his real name or his full name.
A search of the address on Google Street View shows it is are beat up run down old apartment complex in LA - not a business location, facility or business. You can search the address and what it looks like yourself by search Google maps and looking at the street view for Blubonic Industries Inc. Trademark recorded address of 1335 N. La Brea, Los Angeles, CA 90028
When I read the business name of Blubonic Industries Inc I did not think that would be just someone's little apartment unit. That is not "industries!"
His website is bizarre - like something a pothead would have. The website picture is a moving video clip showing smoke billowing out of a side window of the apartment/production facility. Is to supposed to be showing off "Blubonic" marijuana smoke being blown out of the corner of a window? Is a small unit what you envisioned for "Blubonic Industries Inc.?" That is not an industrial location. It is a small, rundown apartment complex. His website is really bizarre.
The website also has a picture of a microscope and test tubes as if a laboratory, although microscopes and test tubes have nothing to do with either hydrogen peroxide or d'limonine (citric acid). Anyone can use stock website templates and Google images for a website and pick any great sounding industry or company name.
His website is on his contact page of is 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068.
THERE IS NO PHONE NUMBER! Ever hear of "INDUSTRIES" that have NO telelphones?
The actual address and the office "suite" of "Blubonic Industries, Inc. Google street view of the website address of 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90068.
Google Street view shows a dry cleaners, a tiny hotel and a UPS store. Which one of those is the facility of "Blubonic Industries Inc? "
Notice the address of 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068 on his website (and no phone number)
I attached to this a picture of the actual address and the office "suite" of "Blubonic Industries, Inc. Google street view of the website address of 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90068. Is the "Suite" of Blubonic Industries Inc. the Lido Cleaners, the little hotel in the rear, or the UPS store?
Notice the address of 1905 Wilcox Ave Ste 311, Los Angeles, California 90068 (and no phone number) This the actual address and the office "suite" of "Blubonic Industries, Inc. Google street view of the website address of 1905 Wilcox Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90068 Is the "Suite" of Blubonic Industries Inc. the Lido Cleaners, the little hotel in the rear, or the UPS store? I suspect the "Suite" number is just a box number in the UPS store and it seems like overall he's in hiding - like the name he used for Trademark registration is just his first and middle, but not last name. Why no phone number? Every body - or at least every business - has a phone number.
Even street people have cell phones now. A crummy old tiny apartment, maybe showing off his Blubonic MARIJUANA smoke out the window on his website. No phone number. Reviews that aren't even about the product. His industries are really a UPS store drop box, laundry place or old hotel?
I agree this is super dangerous. People use food grade hydrogen peroxide for many uses. For some people, they buy 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide because they are battling a terrible illness, disease or other physical suffering. Some literally fighting for their very lives. Some will put drops into liquid and drink it, put it on their skin, in nebulizers and into vaporizers to breathe. The dangers of fake or deceptive food grade hydrogen peroxide - and unsanitary packaging - literally could over time destroy a person's health even lethally, while denying the person the benefits they are seeking from 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide. This makes fraud for health and dietary products so extremely unethical and dangerous.
This info is from a warning website. I looked it all up - looked at the trademark public records, his website, the Amazon listings, and Google street view. Everything above is true. The person posting the warning above asked that people spread the word. So I posted this to help spread the word to warn people.
I attached pictures so you can see for yourself. You can look it all up and confirm it yourself. Help warn other people about "Blubonic Industries Inc!" It's just some guy in a crummy old apartment running an online scam.