Would you pay someone to walk your bills to the mailbox for you? This is exactly what this company is doing. They DO NOT make biweekly payments to your mortgage company. They take your money, hold it for a month and then mail (yeah, snail mail) a check to your mortgage company and make money off all that float time. You are NOT getting the advantage of paying your mortgage 2x/month. You end up making small additional principal payments which you can do at any time for free on any reputable mortgage loan. This is a complete scam.
Biweekly Payment Administration Reviews
Would you pay someone to walk your bills to the mailbox for you? This is exactly what this company is doing. They DO NOT make biweekly payments to your mortgage company. They take your money, hold it for a month and then mail (yeah, snail mail) a check to your mortgage company and make money off all that float time. You are NOT getting the advantage of paying your mortgage 2x/month. You end up making small additional principal payments which you can do at any time for free on any reputable mortgage loan. This is a complete scam.