This seller shills auctions and has terrible customer service. They over charge on shipping. They treat customers awfully. They lack integrity and a moral compass. They have over 200 negative reviews on EBay alone. Consumers need to buy from better companies that appreciate their patronage. Companies like BHFO do not deserve to be in business. Their staff is rude and disrespectful. They are not held accountable for lying or their other inappropriate, unprofessional behavior.
BHFO, Inc. Reviews
This seller shills auctions and has terrible customer service. They over charge on shipping. They treat customers awfully. They lack integrity and a moral compass. They have over 200 negative reviews on EBay alone. Consumers need to buy from better companies that appreciate their patronage. Companies like BHFO do not deserve to be in business. Their staff is rude and disrespectful. They are not held accountable for lying or their other inappropriate, unprofessional behavior.