This beyond finance is a farce they do not save you any money, in fact by the time your done paying all the fees to both creditors and beyond you have paid more then what your original debt was to begin with. The payment made into your account each month to pay the creditors adds up so that by the time you have made enough deposits the credit companies have increased the debt by charging you late fees and interest on your account. And your credit gets shot to hell.
I have actually graduated from the program by taking a loan from above lending their affiliate and now beyond finance is giving me the run around on refunding any funds that are left over back into my bank account. $300,20. They say above lending has something to do with the refunding of the money but I called them and they said they have nothing to do with it which is true, So beyond finance are clearly lying.
They give me a different answer each time I call or chat and never a correct one. I still have that $300.20 in my account with Beyond Finance that is supposed to be refunded back to me. Beyond Finance is stealing my money without any honest explanation. I will never ever recommend this company to anyone. Don't hire this company. I’m telling you, you’ll be making the biggest mistake ever.
It's simple, Beyond Finance tricked me into ruining my credit with the false hope of paying less owed to credit card companies by letting Beyond Finance take the lead in settlement agreements. They are not honest about how much they plan to charge as a company, which can end up being almost equal to the original debt owed.
Let me say this in another way, the monies they settle for with your finance company they turn around then charge you over half as their fees (Ex. You owe $9,000 with your finance company, Beyond Finance settle with your finance company for $3,600 then Beyond Finance tells you that they saved you $5,400 of the $9,000 you owed but in fact they charge you $4,200 in fees, so your savings is really $1,200).
I'm pretty sharp in researching a company before I get into bed with them but this time I was desperate and didn't do my due diligence. So as a warning to people like me that is really in need of a healthy fresh start, don't be fooled by Beyond Finance. I see they have an A rating on BBB which for the life of me I don't understand why.
I did ask to speak with the manager for a refund then the manager got on the phone and said "NO" I signed the terms and agreement. I asked to speak with someone else over them the manager told me "NO" that the buck stops with here (Hello again Ms. Malaysia).
Beyond Finance Reviews
This beyond finance is a farce they do not save you any money, in fact by the time your done paying all the fees to both creditors and beyond you have paid more then what your original debt was to begin with. The payment made into your account each month to pay the creditors adds up so that by the time you have made enough deposits the credit companies have increased the debt by charging you late fees and interest on your account. And your credit gets shot to hell.
I have actually graduated from the program by taking a loan from above lending their affiliate and now beyond finance is giving me the run around on refunding any funds that are left over back into my bank account. $300,20. They say above lending has something to do with the refunding of the money but I called them and they said they have nothing to do with it which is true, So beyond finance are clearly lying.
They give me a different answer each time I call or chat and never a correct one. I still have that $300.20 in my account with Beyond Finance that is supposed to be refunded back to me. Beyond Finance is stealing my money without any honest explanation. I will never ever recommend this company to anyone. Don't hire this company. I’m telling you, you’ll be making the biggest mistake ever.
It's simple, Beyond Finance tricked me into ruining my credit with the false hope of paying less owed to credit card companies by letting Beyond Finance take the lead in settlement agreements. They are not honest about how much they plan to charge as a company, which can end up being almost equal to the original debt owed.
Let me say this in another way, the monies they settle for with your finance company they turn around then charge you over half as their fees (Ex. You owe $9,000 with your finance company, Beyond Finance settle with your finance company for $3,600 then Beyond Finance tells you that they saved you $5,400 of the $9,000 you owed but in fact they charge you $4,200 in fees, so your savings is really $1,200).
I'm pretty sharp in researching a company before I get into bed with them but this time I was desperate and didn't do my due diligence. So as a warning to people like me that is really in need of a healthy fresh start, don't be fooled by Beyond Finance. I see they have an A rating on BBB which for the life of me I don't understand why.
I did ask to speak with the manager for a refund then the manager got on the phone and said "NO" I signed the terms and agreement. I asked to speak with someone else over them the manager told me "NO" that the buck stops with here (Hello again Ms. Malaysia).