I placed an order of a Burberry handbag. It took nearly 2 months to arrive. But the bag sent to me looks nothing like the one shown on the website!! The colour is different. The design is wrong. Don't waste your money. It is not even a fake designer website, because fake designer will look similar to the real thing. This handbag does not even look remotely the same to the one I ordered.
I should have known better because their website does not include an email address that you can use to contact them. The send message form does not have an email address. There are no telephone numbers. There are no addresses I do not even know where the company is located.
The messages I sent to them from the contact form do not get any acknowlegment or reply.
Benntech Reviews
I placed an order of a Burberry handbag. It took nearly 2 months to arrive. But the bag sent to me looks nothing like the one shown on the website!! The colour is different. The design is wrong. Don't waste your money. It is not even a fake designer website, because fake designer will look similar to the real thing. This handbag does not even look remotely the same to the one I ordered.
I should have known better because their website does not include an email address that you can use to contact them. The send message form does not have an email address. There are no telephone numbers. There are no addresses I do not even know where the company is located.
The messages I sent to them from the contact form do not get any acknowlegment or reply.